Global warming

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Re: Global warming

Post by 64powerglide »

This has nothing to do with global warming but there are lots of guys watching this topic.

Everyone have a great Thanksgiving & those who are traveling have a safe trip. :wave:


Frank Sinatra considered Kate Smith the best singer of her time, and said that
when he and a million other guys first heard her sing "God Bless America" on
the radio, they all pretended to have dust in their eyes as they wiped away a
tear or two.

Here are the facts... The link at the bottom will take you to a video showing
the very first public singing of "GOD BLESS AMERICA". But before you watch it,
you should also know the story behind the first public showing of the song.

The time was 1940. America was still in a terrible economic depression. Hitler
was taking over Europe and Americans were afraid we'd have to go to war. It
was a time of hardship and worry for most Americans.

This was the era just before TV, when radio shows were HUGE, and American
families sat around their radios in the evenings, listening to their favorite
entertainers, and no entertainer of that era was bigger than Kate Smith.

Kate was also large; plus size, as we now say, and the popular phrase still
used today is in deference to her, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings".
Kate Smith might not have made it big in the age of TV, but with her voice
coming over the radio, she was the biggest star of her time.

Kate was also patriotic. It hurt her to see Americans so depressed and afraid
of what the next day would bring . She had hope for America , and faith in her
fellow Americans. She wanted to do something to cheer them up, so she went to
the famous American song-writer, Irving Berlin (who also wrote "White
Christmas") and asked him to write a song that would make Americans feel good
again about their country. When she described what she was looking for, he
said he had just the song for her.

He went to his files and found a song that he had written, but never
published, 22 years before - way back in 1917. He gave it to her and she
worked on it with her studio orchestra. She and Irving Berlin were not sure
how the song would be received by the public, but both agreed they would not
take any profits from God Bless America . Any profits would go to the Boy
Scouts of America. Over the years, the Boy Scouts have received millions of
dollars in royalties from this song.

This video starts out with Kate Smith coming into the radio studio with the
orchestra and an audience. She introduces the new song for the very first
time, and starts singing. After the first couple verses, with her voice in the
background still singing, scenes are shown from the 1940 movie, "You're In The
Army Now." At the 4:20 mark of the video you see a young actor in the movie,
sitting in an office, reading a paper; it's Ronald Reagan.

To this day, God Bless America stirs our patriotic feelings and pride in our
country. Back in 1940, when Kate Smith went looking for a song to raise the
spirits of her fellow Americans, I doubt whether she realized just how
successful the results would be for her fellow Americans during those years of
hardship and worry..... and for many generations of Americans to follow.

Now that you know the story of the song, I hope you'll enjoy it and treasure
it even more.

Many people don't know there's a lead in to the song since it usually starts
with "God Bless America ...." So here's the entire song as originally
sung..... ENJOY!" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Global warming

Post by 1949chevy »

64 Powerglide...

Nice post above.

This is a follow up to my last post with you....As I told you...if the guy that gets me to photograph all the homeless veterans for free christmas cards drives his woodie I would take a photo of it and send that to you....well, we were forcasted for snow last nite and he drove his reg truck....but I did ask him to send me a photo by email of his 51 woodie...and he did....

I was there 4 hours photographing the homeless veterans and some battered women. I think hannity said a year or two ago that were NO homeless veterans....another of his "pants on fire" statements....they are really nice folks...most just want a job they told me last nite. Last year, there were not so many young homeless as this a Navy veteran...thats a shame. I edited 192 images this am and lot of them last nite did not want their photos taken.

Back to the subject...I think the car came from up north somewhere...maybe even the guy that you know...he had gone to a Goodguys show and seen one that was $60,000.00 and the guy who owned it said he had another one that was less...the one in the it may be one from your friend.

This one is rare/different in the fact that the whole door is "woodied" as Ed pointed out to me last nite.
ed's chevy woodie.jpg
Again...a photo or two of the before/after of the engine in my 49...
june 13 pass side engine.jpg
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Re: Global warming

Post by 64powerglide »

Yes those doors really set it off, my friends favorite color is black so he'll be drooling over this one!! He just picked up a one owner 50 tin woodie wagon that's in great shape for a Chicago car, $3,300 & couldn't believe that he got it for that.
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Re: Global warming

Post by davemotohead »

First off 1949, If you were in the Navy thank you for your Service! My Entire family is military, My Son is a Rescue swimmer in the Navy as we Speak, But I will still disagree with you.

You might Check With your guy about Veterans and Christmas cards! Might be Against the Rules!:

The Obama administration’s Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) prohibited veterans from hearing Christmas carols or receiving gifts wrapped in Christmas-themed wrapping paper, prompting outrage from a congressional committee.

VA officials in Iowa City, Iowa told representatives of the American Legion that they could not hand out gifts to veterans wrapped in wrapping paper that featured the term “Merry Christmas.”

Additionally, the VA Medical Center in Augusta, Georgia — which treats veterans — banned Christmas carolers from singing Christmas songs with religious references in public areas.

The Dallas VA Medical Center blocked local schoolchildren from giving Christmas cards to veterans because some of the cards included the terms “Merry Christmas” and “God Bless You.” A similar incident occurred in Montgomery, Alabama, where the VA Medical Center blocked veterans from receiving gift bags that included the term “Merry Christmas.”

Rep. Jeff Miller, chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, expressed his outrage over these incidents in a letter to VA Secretary Eric Shinseki provided to The Daily Caller.
Do I even need to Mention the VA scandal? You know the one that he Knew about before taking office? But he "just heard about it on the news the same as the American people" and chose to do nothing about until after Many veterans died and the News media Jumped on it forcing Him to "Look into it"

Are these the Same Veteran Hero's the Obama administration classified as "Potential terrorist?" :

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S.

Read more: ... z3KDMIzKzD" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Or are these the Same WW2 Veterans that the Obama administration wanted to arrest for visiting their war memorial? :

In an audacious move that some have said is a malicious and deliberate attempt to cause as much pain as possible, government officials have threatened to arrest World War II veterans who are participating in an “Honor Flight” to the national Mall.
Read more at ... VQK25D7.99" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Maybe if your Guy would Quit Putting Illegals Ahead of Americans these Hero's Could get a Job! :

Under the president’s new amnesty, businesses will have a $3,000-per-employee incentive to hire illegal immigrants over native-born workers because of a quirk of Obamacare.

President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country and eligible for work permits, but it still deems them ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on Obamacare’s health exchanges.

Under the Affordable Care Act, that means businesses who hire them won’t have to pay a penalty for not providing them health coverage — making them $3,000 more attractive than a similar native-born worker, whom the business by law would have to cover.

The loophole was confirmed by congressional aides and drew condemnation from those who said it put illegal immigrants ahead of Americans in the job market.

“If it is true that the president’s actions give employers a $3,000 incentive to hire those who came here illegally, he has added insult to injury,” said Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican. “The president’s actions would have just moved those who came here illegally to the front of the line, ahead of unemployed and underemployed Americans.”
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Re: Global warming

Post by BIGTWIN »

:eek: WOW! All I meant to do was crack a joke about "Global Warming" and how cold it was. I certainly didn't mean to start all of this. All have made a good point or two but I don't believe anybody really knows what will happen or if we're causing it or not. It's easy to say the CO2 is increasing in the atmosphere but nobody can PROVE that is the reason for the warming. It's just like Darwin's THEORY. He was probably sitting around drinking with some of his buds and after his 532nd pint said "Hell, what if we all came from monkeys?" then his buddy said "no, wait, first a fish, then a monkey", then he wrote it all down before he sobered up and here we are. No proof on his theory, and no proof on global warming being caused by us. I apologize for starting all the arguements.

I do have to say though that I don't think "jealous" is what everybody is feeling about our African friend.
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Re: Global warming

Post by reidmier »

LMAO. Just for grins, I'll join in on the fun (momentarily)....

Global Warming/Climate Change. Easy to see the change of the seasons. It gets cold, then hot, then cold. People live long enough to see that cycle and understand it. Over generations we observe and record longer period cycles of drought and excessive moisture and we understand those. When it comes to cycles that appear to occur over periods that may be longer than our existence on this planet, we can only observe the fossil record and postulate theories. Some will be proven true, and others false. To ignore today what may not affect us until tomorrow is about as wise as ignoring a tooth-ache. For anyone who would prefer to stick their head in the sand shouldn't do it around here... Too much Iodine-131 just below the surface.

Illegal Immigration is what started this country. Ask any Indian. I suppose its appropriate that this politically charged issue come up just as we celebrate Thanksgiving. Happy First Illegal Immigration Day everyone!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." This doesn't mention what country you live in, what color your skin is, what your faith is, or what political party you belong to... Is this what Americans believe? Based on what I've read here, not so much.

It's probably a good thing that for 200 years or so, we Americans have tried to live up to what we want to believe about ourselves. Some still remember what is engraved on the base of the Statue of Liberty and grasp its true meaning. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

We live in one world under God, so adding the line "One Nation under God" to our Pledge of Allegiance on Flag Day 1954 was just a knee-jerk reaction to the cold war. I guess it helps us feel a little more righteous to think God is on our side. LOL. If you truly believe in ONE God, then every person on this planet is your brother or sister. If you choose to treat anyone worse than Jesus would have, you simply don't grasp the definition of the word Christian. Never look down on another man unless you're helping him up.

Darwin would never even have been heard of if he had just sailed of the edge of the earth like all those other guys who were stupid enough to believe the world wasn't flat. We can fix those misconceptions by drilling a hole in your skull to let out the demons that are obviously confusing you.

For those who have nothing better to do, and who feel everything can be cured with a sledge-hammer of righteous indignation and finger pointing... Just keep telling us how its all somebody else's fault and if we could just fix THEM, everything would be ok.

I'm going to go pump some left-over liquefied remains of the last mass extinction on planet earth into my Corvair and enjoy this beautiful day with a drive in the mountains (while blithely ignoring the latent radiation all around me from the 1,052 nukes that were detonated just 130 miles away by our own government).

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Re: Global warming

Post by 1949chevy »

reidmier wrote:LMAO. Just for grins, I'll join in on the fun (momentarily)....

Global Warming/Climate Change. Easy to see the change of the seasons. It gets cold, then hot, then cold. People live long enough to see that cycle and understand it. Over generations we observe and record longer period cycles of drought and excessive moisture and we understand those. When it comes to cycles that appear to occur over periods that may be longer than our existence on this planet, we can only observe the fossil record and postulate theories. Some will be proven true, and others false. To ignore today what may not affect us until tomorrow is about as wise as ignoring a tooth-ache. For anyone who would prefer to stick their head in the sand shouldn't do it around here... Too much Iodine-131 just below the surface.

Illegal Immigration is what started this country. Ask any Indian. I suppose its appropriate that this politically charged issue come up just as we celebrate Thanksgiving. Happy First Illegal Immigration Day everyone!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." This doesn't mention what country you live in, what color your skin is, what your faith is, or what political party you belong to... Is this what Americans believe? Based on what I've read here, not so much.

It's probably a good thing that for 200 years or so, we Americans have tried to live up to what we want to believe about ourselves. Some still remember what is engraved on the base of the Statue of Liberty and grasp its true meaning. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

We live in one world under God, so adding the line "One Nation under God" to our Pledge of Allegiance on Flag Day 1954 was just a knee-jerk reaction to the cold war. I guess it helps us feel a little more righteous to think God is on our side. LOL. If you truly believe in ONE God, then every person on this planet is your brother or sister. If you choose to treat anyone worse than Jesus would have, you simply don't grasp the definition of the word Christian. Never look down on another man unless you're helping him up.

Darwin would never even have been heard of if he had just sailed of the edge of the earth like all those other guys who were stupid enough to believe the world wasn't flat. We can fix those misconceptions by drilling a hole in your skull to let out the demons that are obviously confusing you.

For those who have nothing better to do, and who feel everything can be cured with a sledge-hammer of righteous indignation and finger pointing... Just keep telling us how its all somebody else's fault and if we could just fix THEM, everything would be ok.

I'm going to go pump some left-over liquefied remains of the last mass extinction on planet earth into my Corvair and enjoy this beautiful day with a drive in the mountains (while blithely ignoring the latent radiation all around me from the 1,052 nukes that were detonated just 130 miles away by our own government).

Well said..!!
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Re: Global warming

Post by 64powerglide »

Maybe if we brought back all the smoke billowing locomotives that I watched go by my house everyday as a kid & heat our homes with old coal furnaces we could build up a big dark cloud that would filter out the Sun rays things would cool off a bit. This past year Lake Superior only had 4 months of no ice "a record" & the Great Lakes were 90% + frozen over last winter "a record" & Lake Superior now has ice on it again & that is a record for the earliest it has had ice on it. Then out West they are having record heat for November. I guess by the time they get it all figured out we'll have been dead for decades. :dontknow:
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Re: Global warming

Post by 64powerglide »


I sent the photo of the Black 51 Woody wagon to my friend & he emailed back today that it was one of his cars, his name is John Warunek. His business is Classic Restorations here in Kalamazoo. He got on Social Security this year so he's not doing many jobs, he'll mostly be working on his own cars.

Update to this post, my friend John Warunek bought this car in Ohio over 20 years ago & that's how he got his start in the business. He said a guy named McPeek from California built it.

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Re: Global warming

Post by gordo »

The Administration seems to want to persecute the U.S. populace and industry but China, Mexico, and India continue putting out tons of pollutants. Go figure!
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Re: Global warming

Post by 1949chevy »

64powerglide wrote:1949Chevy,

I sent the photo of the Black 51 Woody wagon to my friend & he emailed back today that it was one of his cars, his name is John Warunek. His business is Classic Restorations here in Kalamazoo. He got on Social Security this year so he's not doing many jobs, he'll mostly be working on his own cars.

Update to this post, my friend John Warunek bought this car in Ohio over 20 years ago & that's how he got his start in the business. He said a guy named McPeek from California built it.

Wow....small world...when Ed told me about the history of this woodie, and then you showed me some photos with all those woodies in the background, I gave it a chance to be from your friend....Ed did say it was from up north after a Goodguys show he attended up there...I will pass your info along to Ed...he does a lot for the homeless veterans...tell your friend that the car is in good hands and is well cared for as you can see.
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Re: Global warming

Post by Melb-Mike »

I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty happy about climate change. I don't think I'd do well with dinosaurs and I don't think the ice age would be better on me either.

I keep trying to find those who believe in this kind of crap. No matter where I go, no matter which party I'm at and when in fact some people have been drinking enough to let out their inner selves (Ok, drunk), I can't seem to find those who march to the drum of Al Gore. Where are these people ? Obviously they are not in my inner circles.

I hear that 95% of the scientists now agree in climate change. Do they also believe that we are somehow bringing that about ? Everyone believes in climate change. Anyone who has been through summers and winters knows of climate change, and those who live up north know it much better than a poor slob like me who calls Florida home most of the time.

By the way some emissions are rather sweet. In one of my cars, I have to burn 110 octane race fuel. Have you smelled the sweet "french fry" smell of 110 octane being burned ? It is a sweet smell. It's almost worth the $8.50/gallon, it is worth every penny. I need to invite that fat A$$ Al Gore to come over and treat his nostril on that. I know, his head is so far up his A$$ he can't smell anything but crap.
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Re: Global warming

Post by hrm2k »

Being an old guy, I was an adult who lived through the 1970's. All we heard in the 70's was the coming ice age and how we were all going to freeze to death or die of starvation because of the freezing temps.......................yeah you guessed it !!!! Same people who are now telling you that everything is getting hotter.
I, for one, don't care which way it goes, I will be dead but it would be nice if they could get their shit together long enough to have one lie for us to hear.
there are several here that have huge kool aid stains right there on the edge of their mouths :sad5:
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Re: Global warming

Post by MERmouse49 »'s -15 in Laramie and I FOR ONE AM BURNING UP
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Re: Global warming

Post by 91blaze »

MERmouse49's -15 in Laramie and I FOR ONE AM BURNING UP
Weather /= climate
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Re: Global warming

Post by MERmouse49 »

Hey guys,

1949 is just a deaf, dumb, blind moron. It's that simple.
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