OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

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OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 1949chevy »

The 1st day in charge after the election and a 20% cut in the Democratic program....Social Security is announced. This will affect the disability portion for now. I guess all the years you pay into this program is ignored by the republican party. Entitlied to $1000.00....now you will get $800.00. I hope the dems will do what the republicans have been doing for 6 years now when it comes to legislation....NOTHING!!! then it will not pass. If I was disabled and I am very close to a disabled person, I would be writing and calling the republican congressman who in our area voted for this action.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/ ... story.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by davemotohead »

Weren't you the one Complaining on Both Forums about Political post not being proper??
(1949 wrote "Yes...I joined this forum to learn "corvair"...not bitch/read about global warming signs or our president re-elected by 5,000,000 more votes than the other guy....mind you...I am not afraid to tangle with anyone....but this forum is not the place for politics and tangling." ) I guess its only the place for politics when you want it to be! Typical Liberal Hypocrite! :dontknow:

Where was your buddy in France? Oh ya Not there,,He will still not even call it a terrorist attack! Why is that? Also Harry Reid was the one stalling bills from being passed the last 6 years not the Republicans!! Your Hero is out of control!

Keep drinking the Liberal propaganda Kool aid Buddy!
Reid has routinely blocked GOP senators from offering amendments on dozens of bills over the last few years, using a maneuver that blocks Democratic amendments as well.

That practice has essentially shut down the Senate as a legislative body, and turned it into a chamber that mostly rejects or ignores House-passed bills, except for must-pass spending bills or other critical measures.

Reid has stopped consideration of amendments through a process called “filling the tree.” In that procedure, Reid fills up all the designated amendment slots with his own token amendments that make tiny changes to the bill, which prevents others from having their own ideas considered when the bill comes up.

That maneuver has often prompted Republicans to vote against even considering legislation, since there’s no hope they can make any changes to it.

Over the last several months, some Republicans have tried to block Reid’s effort to “fill the amendment tree,” by asking for votes to reject that strategy. But each time, Reid has been supported by Democrats.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by spyderman64 »

License? We don't need no steenking license!
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by bbodie52 »

I'm sure that Social Security is in serious financial trouble. Politicians from both parties have been raiding the Social Security "lock box" for decades to use the funds for purposes outside of Social Security, as if it were just another pot of money to utilize however they wanted. As the IOU's mounted with political commitments to repay the "borrowed" money, it became increasingly apparent that the Social Security collection plate had attracted an "open season" attitude as essentially just another tax that would fund pet projects everywhere to help buy votes. When that cash cow was drained, and methods to raise taxes further became hard to find, the methods of borrowing from foreign countries increasingly came into play. As that method continues, it is not enough for the never-ending political appetite for more money. The government is now simply printing money in greater volumes.

I'm not sure where this will all end. Our nation has developed an insatiable appetite for government handouts. From the "Obamaphone" to the latest offer for free college for everyone and forgiveness of government-secured college loans, to never-ending unemployment checks, food stamps, and Social Security Disability for EVERYONE... this simply cannot continue. Other nations have gone bankrupt and suffered terrible consequences. I'm afraid that it may happen here as well unless our elected officials find a way to adhere to the intent of our founding fathers and the laws that form a basis for our country. Politicians are increasingly getting better at finding methods to bypass our Constitution. Obama has the lead as he continues to consider Congress and voters, and the laws, to be irrelevant — something to be bypassed. Our country struggles to try to figure out how to deal with such a man who has seemingly unlimited power (possibly limited only by time) — especially if the checks and balances fail and our Legislative and Judicial branches struggle in uncertainty.

In any case, if the Social Security program is to be saved at all, many career politicians are sure to offer numerous plans to fix the problems. Hopefully the debate and weeding-out processes will eliminate bad ideas. But along the way as election dates approach many politicians are sure to run for cover as they try to defend their turf. The most-recent example was Democrat Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, as she struggled to save her bacon and distance herself from Obama in a last ditch reelection effort that failed.

The article you referred to was published in late October — just before the November elections. If it reveals some "two-faced" politicians in an attempt to weaken the Republican effort to take control of the Harry Reid dominated Senate, I would not be overly concerned about the impact on Social Security. The article apparently failed to gain interest or impact the election outcome very much.

After watching Obama string political lie after lie together — telling the gullible voters whatever they wanted to hear to gather Obama votes — I have come to believe that Obama is the master of this type of political manipulation. Perhaps the candidate who lies best will always be our next president. Perhaps Romney's greatest weakness was his effort to be honest with the voters in his comments. He is a businessman, a man of religious faith, and a strong family man. Not really a traditional politician, he served one term as a Republican governor in a strongly Democrat state. He attempted to do the best job he could in working with both parties in the state legislature to help them to develop the best-possible legislation. His way was to try to lead and influence and negotiate — not to simply veto every bill submitted by the Democrat inspired state legislators. He felt that he was there to serve as the chief executive in Massachusetts — serving ALL the citizens of that state. Their elected legislative body represented the desires of the voters, and from Mitt Romney's viewpoint they all deserved to be heard and carefully considered.

I wish that attitude existed now in Washington. The elected members of Congress should be working for the best legislation possible for our country. Party politics should be secondary to the needs of our country. And the worst offender in Washington resides in the White House. He went to war with the new Congress before they were sworn in. He threatens to veto every Republican-led bill submitted for his signature. He no longer has Harry Reid to run interference for him, so now he must come out of the shadows to try to stop Congress in its tracks — while blaming the Congress for its continually "bad" legislation and attempting to substitute Obama White House edicts and proclamations from the only man in Washington DC who has an opinion that matters! He is opposed to Republicans and any traitorous Democrats who might be inclined to work in a bi-partisan effort of negotiation, compromise, and cooperation to produce legislation that is "not worthy" of his signature. The junior Senator from Illinois who leapfrogged into the White House with the help of political manipulation, lies, and false promises provided to an idealistic group of voters who wanted to believe... really has no interest in listening to the voters or in working with anyone who produces ideas other than those generated from Obama himself. The voters believed... and now we are stuck with the results.
The Real Mitt Romney!

After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar, but never worked as an attorney.

As a venture-capitalist, Romney's first major business deal involved investing in a start-up office supply company with one store in Massachusetts that sold office supplies. That company, called Staples, now has over 2,000 stores and employs over 90,000 people.

Romney or his company Bain Capital (using what became known as the "Bain Way") would go on to perform the same kinds of business miracles again and again, with companies like Domino's, Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot Supply, and many others.

Got your calculators handy? Let's recap.

Volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign 1 year.

Unpaid intern in Governor's office 8 years.

Mormon missionary in Paris 2 years.

Unpaid bishop and stake president for his church 10 years.

No salary as president of the Olympics 3 years.

No salary as MA governor 4 years.

That's a grand total of 28 years of unpaid service to his country, his community and his church. Why? Because that's the kind of man Mitt Romney is!

And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income ... Obama gave 1% Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013% This is real character vs ... well you know what!
:link: http://www.snopes.com/politics/romney/realmitt.asp
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by vairygood »

Very well spoken Brad,Thanks
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 64powerglide »

I thought that was only if the present administration doesn't make any changes to the money coming into Social Security. Also disabled people make more money than retired people do so they wanted to cut the disability first. I got on disability 4 years after open Heart surgery & make more money than when I worked "$150.00 a week more" & it's not taxable. :neener:
1949Chevy; Here's a couple photo's of a Rambler my buddy is finishing up, needs exhaust & interior. All the wood inside is done, some just need to be put after the upholstery shop is done. This car belongs my friend with the 49 Chevy tin woody, thought you might like to see this one.
My buddy is just finishing this one up.
My buddy is just finishing this one up.
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289 Ford engine, ready for the exhaust & interior shops
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 1949chevy »

Dear Davedodohead,

First....let me say it again...the republican congressmen want to get rid of SS and medicare ...thats a fact, you can try and shoot the messanger any way you want...but GET RID OF SS IS THEIR GOAL....I did not vote to cut SS by 20%, the repubicans did....I see you try and change the subject vs address the fact that is stated above. You may find yourself disabled one day...maybe even tomorrow, as none of us know what will strike or hit us as we age...our fate is not a given.

On the day that President Obama was elected, the Washington taliban (republican congressmen) had a meeting, here is the article from UNC-TV.

"On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning".

(Don't believe me about the above...do your own research for a change...but you will find that I am telling the truth....again...do your own research please...if I did not learn anything in college with my degree in Business...it was to research an item if it does not seem to be real or sounds false...hence, I do my own research...and believe me, I find that false news is way out there...if fact, a study was done by a college up north somewhere, and they discovered that those that watch false news knew less than those that watched NO NEWS....sorta says it all about fox news.)

YOU DID NOT KNOW THAT? On one occasion that I know, the republicans voted on a bill, passed it and when the president said he would sign it, they went back in and FILARBUSTED their own bill...what do you call that. The republicans put the party ahead of America's well being.

I did say that I came to learn and enjoy corvair and politics on a car site was not the place for it...but apparently you do not agree with my statement and continue with your heritage foundation bs and I have a brain and a mouth and someone needs to counteract your spueeing of BS... you will not hear this news about the republicans on the sex entertainment station Fox, nor will the major tv shows say anything. They benefit $$$$ from the big tax cuts the republicans give millionaires and corporations. Someone has to give some REAL news...not the brain washing BS you are used to. These stations, especially fox, tell you to trust them, they do the research for you...yeah...really...and most uneducated and folks with not enough time or resources just believe them.

I once heard hannity talk about how all the small business's and familys would lose everything because of "the death tax" as republicans like to call the Inheritance tax( which was put in to keep a few familys from owning ALL of America). He talked for close to an hour and like all republicans (the boogie man will get all your candy) stated all the families would be out on the street after the tax....he forgot one item and NEVER mentioned it ...THE FIRST $5,000,000.00 is EXEMPT for a couple...that $5,000,000.00 (5 million dollars) is net amount...and then the inheritance tax rate is 28% on the balance over 5 million. You inherit 20 million clear, you still get 16.2 million in your pocket after fed inheritance tax....you get 5 million YOU PAY ZERO, NADA, NOTHING to the fed gov....don't trust me...look it up for yourself...you have a computer...just type in fed inheritance tax...you will get the facts...not republican boogie man scare you to death BS....like SS is going broke...you will only hear that from republicans in congress and those who have been brainwashed by those in congress and BS "false" tv and radio and other crazies.

A lot of folks that was listening to this kuku bird that day, and being so weak minded and not doing their own research, would think that the "MEAN BOOGIE MAN GOV WAS GOING TO PUT YOU ON THE STREET BECAUSE OF THE "DEATH TAX (by the way, Frank Lutz is paid millions to come up with these great names vs the real name)...like "Blue Sky Intiative bill" bush signed which was the most polluting bill the republicans passed.

If you want more...just say so dave.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by Nickshu »

SS is a dead program and I hope our leaders (I use that term loosely) get rid of it, at least the non-disability part. I don't think anyone in my generation (I'm 40) plans on getting a dime from it. But we are happily paying into it to fund the Baby Boomers since the money they paid in was misappropriated, etc. To make it even more salt in the wound as a business owner I have to pay twice for my portion, once for myself and again for the business, every month. Your're welcome.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by davemotohead »

Dear 1949chevy, I think you would be better off worrying about your Hero's illegal alien amnesty plan, That will effectively give Illegals who have never paid a dime into SS Full access and Benefits with YOUR money! What Kind of President Gives Millions of Law breaking Illegal Invaders a Free Ride? Your Hero Obama! AND Criminal illegals "on parole" get to be the first in line! Even Dems are Jumping ship from the Obama Titanic and Joining Republicans to Gut the UN-Constitutional American Extortion act Obama care! Your Blind Faith in this Guy shows you do not really pay attention to anything Other than Left Wing liberal Propaganda and Lies! Keep drinking that Kool aid Pal. You can be a typical liberal and call me dodohead and other names because I do not Share your Views or believe in the left wing Lies Like you do, But at least we can Have Independent thought in this country Despite what the Left wants!

Illegal aliens who get President Barack Obama’s likely forthcoming executive amnesty will have immediate access to welfare and other public benefits, according to a new report from the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

“Obama’s executive amnesty isn't only unconstitutional but costly; from day one it opens up federal and state benefits to individuals who are still illegal aliens, regardless of the label the President puts on them,” FAIR executive director Julie Kirchner told Breitbart News.
Aliens paroled for less than a year are eligible for benefits such as Obamacare and unemployment. In the text of Obamacare, the report notes, Congress specifically restricts access to anyone “lawfully present” in the United States. But, the report notes, “regulations implementing the law define ‘lawfully present’ to include aliens with parole for less than one year.”

“Not only are aliens with parole for less than one year eligible for Obamacare, they are immediately eligible,” FAIR wrote. “Despite the fact that Obamacare might appear to be a ‘federal public benefit,’ and thus restricted to ‘qualified aliens’ and the five-year bar, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has not included it in the regulatory definition of either ‘federal public benefit’ or ‘federal means-tested public benefit.’”

Such aliens who would get parole would also get immediate access to Social Security and Medicare benefits—meaning they could take Social Security or Medicare away from Americans—FAIR wrote, “so long as they meet other eligibility requirements.”

I WANT MORE 1949!! Give me your best shot! the more you spew the smarter I look!
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 64powerglide »

Do not let the government stop Social Security. You guys need to know when you are at retirement age that might be all the money you will have. That's all I live on, my wife is almost 59 & i'm almost 71 & she has been a housewife & has no income & we have been living on what I get since 2002. I worked from the age of 14 for 44 years & my medicare which I pay $104.90 a month is saving my ass. I just had a Colonoscopy :eek: & Endoscopy & the bill was over $4,000 & I had to pay out of pocket around $400.00. You think SS is a waste of money you had better think again. You younger guys have no idea what is going to happen to you healthwise as you get older. I know a lot of you probably make enough money that you don't have to worry about the future but there are millions like me that depend on what we paid for all these years. Invest in your future & beef up the Social Security System, it's a lifesaver!!!!! By the way I got my first 2015 SS check today, $1,728.00 which ain't to bad for sitting on my butt. Just think about what you would do if something happened tomorrow & you couldn't work anymore, how are the basic bills going to be paid & where is food money coming from ect.. :dontknow:
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by davemotohead »

So How do you feel about Illegals gaining access to your Money? Or ANY government Program that you payed into and Illegals benefit from never having paid a Dime?

Also: Football was more important than supporting France!

Dozens of world leaders gathered in Paris on Sunday for an anti-terrorism rally, but President Obama was not among them.

Obama has been criticized by many for not attending the event or sending a high-level member of his administration in his place.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest acknowledged on Monday "we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there," but he also claimed that security concerns were the main reason why the president skipped the rally.

On "America's Newsroom" today, former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino said those comments are beyond disingenuous and this is yet another instance of the Secret Service being thrown under the bus.

Bongino contended that agents could have made it safe for the president and the security concerns are being used as an "excuse."

"If the president wants to go, the president's going to go," Bongino said. "No one's going to stop the president of the United States from going where he wants to go. That's just nonsense. Blaming the Secret Service is terrible."

Gutfeld: Was Obama Too Busy Playing Laser Tag With Biden to Attend Paris Rally?

Bongino also stood by comments he made yesterday that there is a cult of personality around Obama and no one wants to tell the boss, "No."

"I think he wanted to watch football. And that was it. He was going to watch football," Bongino said.

"He doesn't have that adult to come into the room and say to him, 'Listen, you need to go to this or you need to get someone off their butt and to head over there.'"

"The political damage from this, I think, is going to be pretty substantial." :tongue:
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by bbodie52 »

In 1935 the 37 page Social Security Act was signed August 14, 1935 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. As such, it was one of the earliest entitlement programs that most income earners contribute to throughout their employment. From 1930 to 1950 the maximum earnings taxed was $3000. This was gradually increased starting in 1951 to its present maximum earnings taxed of $117,000. The tax rate started out at 2%, and in 1951 began to increase to its present rate of 12.4%. Medicare was added in 1966 at a beginning tax rate of 0.7%. The current medicare rate is 2.9%.

:link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Se ... ed_States)

Americans have become dependent to varying degrees on Social Security and Medicare retirement benefits. Long term care needs are not addressed by Medicare. Private pensions are disappearing. To some extent they are being replaced by 401K and other voluntary retirement savings plans, but many Americans are not saving for their old age retirement at all, with the exception of the mandatory Social Security and Medicare taxes. Social Security was never intended to be an all-encompassing retirement system, yet for many Americans it is all there is.

I believe American workers are headed for a future crisis that has not received much consideration. In addition to Social Security and Medicare funding issues, the gradual elimination of secured pension plans and generally weak or non-existent retirement planning leaves little for the future for many older Americans. Government taxation of inheritance often heavily diminishes any accumulated possible family property and financial resources that might help. Stock Market fluctuations can unexpectedly drain 401K and other retirement savings accounts. All of this can mean serious problems in the future for aging Americans. These complex problems are seldom addressed in our government. Government officials try to drain funding for future retirement to satisfy more-immediate funding issues. The impact of Obamacare on Medicare is still being sorted out and seems to be complex and poorly understood. And long-term care for the elderly and infirm is not really adequately addressed.

The problems with retirement and old-age remain serious and growing. Everyone, it seems, tries to defer it or pass it off on someone else. Nobody really wants to deal with this, and individuals, families, private business, and government all wish it would go away. But these problems are likely to grow and get worse. Simplistic ideas like eliminating Social Security and Medicare will not work, because the need is there and will continue. Our system is flawed, haphazard and inadequate. What will come in the future??? :dontknow:

Other nations also suffer from serious problems, and many citizens in countries to the south seem to see America as the promised land, so they try to escape to America to find a better life. Our resources are already over-extended. We simply cannot absorb and take on the world's problems. If we try, our own nation will eventually no longer exist. Perhaps America can find government and private economic solutions that, if successful, could serve as a model for other nations to emulate. But we cannot help others if we fail to help ourselves. We are literally living on borrowed time.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 64powerglide »

Well said Brad!!!! :goodpost:
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by Gigharborvair »

My most uninformed 1949chevy,

Being a financial planner and estate planning consultant for 37 years, I take great issue with your facts. While not bothering to go into detail, you could not be more wrong on your tax numbers.....I MEAN WAY OFF !!. Go get another education before you quote tax facts. :rolling: :nono:
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by davemotohead »

Well a Liberals Facts don't need to be true,,they just need to fit their agenda!
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by Nickshu »

How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky (Written in 1942):
There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state.
The first is the most important.

1) Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty - Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt - Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare - Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)

6) Education - Take control of what people read and listen to, take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion - Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools

8) Class Warfare - Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
The government cannot give anything to anyone that it has not first taken from someone else.

Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States?
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