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1965 Corsa Turbo Road Test

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:45 am
Cars magazine from Feb 1965.

The cover says 140 Hp but the article is abiout a turbo 180 HP.

Re: 1965 Corsa Turbo Road Test

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:59 pm
by Vox
Thanks for posting this. :tu:

Re: 1965 Corsa Turbo Road Test

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:10 pm
by cvair4life
I'll take the Darling Pet Monkey for 18.95$ :clap:

Re: 1965 Corsa Turbo Road Test

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 3:22 pm
by 4carbcorvair
My dad bought one of the monkeys when he was a kid. When he got married, my mom wanted nothing to do with it. Evil little thing. My Grandparents took him over, lived for about 25 years. He used to love catching grasshoppers and eating them.

Re: 1965 Corsa Turbo Road Test

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:46 pm
by corsa1948
Well, since this is what I own (turbo) this was very interesting to me.
Thanks for posting.
Gad you were able to find this info


Re: 1965 Corsa Turbo Road Test

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 12:19 pm
by Lgbpop
Brings back memories of my '65 turbo convertible. Funny, the car seemed faster than this outfit's test results show. One thing I remember vividly about this car, the traction was insane! - one could NOT spin the wheels on dry pavement. Not even a chirp. (I read in an old car magazine article - R&T, C&D or Motor Trend - years later, that some tester was able to do it by dropping the clutch at 2500RPM, but I've always treated nice machinery as a thing to appreciate - not to abuse.) Boost was typical '60s technology, there was noticeable throttle lag while the exhaust started to increase and wind up the turbo...but when that boost started coming in, as my best friend said, "it was like the hand of God himself pushing that car." I quickly learned to keep my foot on the throttle some while upshifting, to stay in the boost band. Helped a lot.

Then again, I was only 19 when I got my eager mitts on that car, and pretty much took care of it for the eleven years I owned it. Between parts getting hard to find by 1985, and getting married/having kids, something had to give. The money only went so far...

I should have divorced her when I had the chance! :doh: