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Corsa Advertising

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:22 pm
by vairmech
This was posted by Jack Bacon:

Hi all,

I finally heard back from Cody Wilson, the national ad sales executive from Hagerty News. A business card size ad is $1500 and he will discount it down to $1000 and they will do all the design work if furnished with 55 words of text and a photo of the club logo. They have a readership of 450,000 with a pass along readership of 1.3 to 1.4 million. They next issue comes out in May and they do have one space available for the club if we want it but will need to receive an answer in the next two weeks.

if you wish to contact Cody his email is and his phone 503-866-9464

Hemmings Motor News has a 1/16 page ad for $268 or the classified ads are $.70 a word. I talked with Leslie at Hemmings and she suggested maybe doing a digital banner page for the club which would have a click thru to the CORSA website. She said the Austin Healey Club has done this with a lot of visits but of course she can't tell how many became members of the club. She will send more information and a up front estimate is roughly $5 per 1,000 visits. Saying we want to start with 60,000 visits the cost would be $300 . I will keep you posted!


Jack Bacon

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:17 pm
by 1966-Corsa-GT-180
Check with the A/H club and see what they think of the value/cost for Hemmings digital banner.

Haven't heard of Hagerty news - are they a promo passout at events? News for Hagerty insured?
Most of that sort I receive does not get much of my attention...
How 'bout an ad in Hemmings Classic Car? - that I read, and notice ads.

Jack - would you like to write posts/news for us on the CORSA FaceBook Page? We are kicking this off this season with constant updates of Events and News that will hopefully generate interest. We support the site with links and news

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:01 am
by vairmech
I'm not sure that we actually have an advertising budget but that will have to be decided among the BoD if this is something to be done.

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:19 am
by Nickshu
That was my question, what's the budget?

The clickthru banner ads seem like a good deal. Driving traffic to the CORSA website is a good thing.

I think a discussion of best bang/buck would be good. You can get pretty out of hand w/ ads.

Budget wise maybe worth considering, if possible, a PR campaign for 1-2 years spending a bit more for larger ads to get CORSA recognition, then cut back to smaller once the readership has seen/knows we exist? Just an idea.

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:11 pm
by Jack Bacon
Hi All,

I could post on the CORSA Facebook page. Do I need to be a Facebook member to post or just have the CORSA log in info to post events?

I contacted the Austin Healey Membership Director Mike Schneider and he forwarded my email to Ben Moore their VP who is much younger and working on getting the younger generation involved. He can better answer our questions about Hagerty Banner Advertising. I will keep you posted when I hear from Ben. They do have a student membership which is half their annual dues at $25.

Nice work on the new website, it looks great!

Best Regards,

Jack Bacon

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:40 pm
by Jack Bacon
I was talking with my wife who is in advertsiing and she clarified banner advertising for me. Banner advertising is the banner that pops up every so often when a person visits a webpage, this is called an impression. The advertiing rate is based on so much money per 1,000 impressions. I will find out from Hemmings how many visits generate one impression and what period of time she thinks 60,000 impressions would be used up.


Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:03 pm
by 1966-Corsa-GT-180
IMHO, if it's a "pop-up" it's a non-starter. Most folks are annoyed and then some when an uninvited window pops up on a page they choose to visit.. Pop Up Blockers are very popular add-ons to browsers.

Jack, PM or e-mail me and I'll get you set up on the CORSA FB page as a contributor.

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:05 pm
by Jack Bacon
To clarify, banners are not a pop up. I talked with Hemmings again and they stated that the 60,000 impressions at $300 would be for one month. We could also fine tune it to say - it would not display between the hours of 12am and 6am, display on a Chevrolet page only and so forth. Lot's of options for sure.


Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:17 pm
by vairmech
Jack, How about an example? Is there a link that we can go to to see what this is all about? It can be anyone's banner.

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:13 am
by vairmech
Jack, We talked a little about this, banner ads, last night but we need more info on what to expect and what things might look like. We also touched on the display ads but Hagerty seems a little high priced considering that we have some kind of connection with them. Please check with Harry on what type of agreement we have with Hagerty. I really think we need to move forward with this, we just need a little more detailed information.

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:07 pm
by Jack Bacon
Hi Ken,

I talked with Ken DeBries at Hemmings advertising (470-239-3155) and tomorrow he will be sending me available banner sizes and pricing. The banner would contain the CORSA logo and about a dozen words about CORSA and when clicked on would direct the person to the CORSA website. The 60,000 impressions at $300 rate could be over a month or several months, drilled down to only appear when someone does a search for Chevrolet Corvair or Corvair from the main Hemmings home page, it also could be made to appear during a certain time of the day, like only between 8 AM and Midnight.

More tomorrow....

Jack Bacon

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:21 am
by Nickshu
Jack it would be nice to know if we get tracking information on how many people click on the banner and end up at the Corsa website, and if possible how long they stay on the Corsa website thereafter. One nice thing about the banner ads is you can track your ROI and effectiveness this way.

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:19 am
by vairmech
Nick, The tracking would or could come from our Corsa site. With the anylitics we can see where people come from and how long they stay and also what pages they visited then what page they exited from.

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:33 pm
by Jack Bacon
Hi All,

Here is what I received from Ken DeVries at Hemmings. This sounds like the way to go. Banners are measure in pixels. The728 x 90 is a vertical banner with 38,000 impressions. The 308 x 250 is a vertical rectangle with 23,000 impressions for a total of 61,000 impressions for $300. We could specify the impression would appear when searching for Corvair or Chevrolet Corvair, what time of day the impressions are available and over a month to 3 month period. This banners are also a good size.


Web Banners

Kenneth DeVries (
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1:06 PM
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Hi Jack,

In response to our conversation yesterday, we currently have 2 top positions wide open. The available impressions are 728x90- 38,000 and 300x250-23,000.

These can rotate throughout the campaign as well. Based on the $ amount and impression level you had mentioned, you could take them all and be assured you would appear in every search. You can buy a lesser amount as well. We can also build the banners for you at no cost. I can take you through the positions if you like. Please let me know your thoughts.



Ken DeVries | Senior Account Executive

Hemmings Motor News

222 Main Street | Bennington, VT 05201

Direct 470-239-3155 | Fax 802-447-9566

Re: Corsa Advertising

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:29 pm
by Jack Bacon
Hemmings can also see and report every time someone clicks on the banner
