OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by thewolfe »

How about we ask 1949chevy this question. Do you believe that President Obama is an honest man running a transparent administration? I'm embarrassed to say I voted for the guy the first time after a large distaste for Bush. My vote was based on hope and change, transparency, lower deficits, no tax raises etc. Things that he stumped on which turned out to be nothing but LIES. Fooled me once but not the second time. Unfortunately there are a lot of gullible people out there with no common sense that can't question authority and think their king can do no wrong.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by bbodie52 »

:goodpost: :ty:

Your post gives me hope about the voting public. In the first Obama election I did not buy into his campaign rhetoric, but I did suspect that he might be unbeatable. I just did not think that John McCain could beat the hope and dream candidate. I would have liked to believe what Obama was saying and promising, but my research and common sense told me otherwise. When Barack Obama won, I hoped he would somehow measure up to his hype and rhetoric, and would somehow actually lead us away form the political impasse that has existed for far too long in Congress. Maybe the country could benefit if our new president would actually follow the idealistic path he had laid out, and if he actually had the leadership skills and willingness to negotiate with Congress for the best outcome for our country. I was tired of the party politics and lack of service to the country, and I hoped that perhaps "hope and change" might somehow become a reality. Unfortunately, Obama turned out to be a flim-flam man. Barack Obama turned out to be far worse than I had imagined.

The real surprise came four years later. Obama had revealed himself to the public. He was no more ready to keep his promises and to lead our country in a positive way toward effective change than he was qualified or worthy to receive the Nobel Peace Prize! Hope and Dreams had brought him the Peace Prize and the White House from gullible voters in both camps. But... I felt that Mitt Romney was a much stronger candidate and leader who would provide voters with a solid opportunity to learn from their mistakes and to correct the path we were on. Voters were starting to wake up. We saw that in the outcome of the elections in the House of Representatives in 2012, and later in changes in the House and Senate in 2014. But I was shocked to see voters repeat their same mistake in the presidential election of 2012. They foolishly gave Barack Obama a second bite of the apple — in spite of his poor performance during his first term in office! He was still likely to be a poor president, but maybe he just needs a little more time???

Now some Republicans are afraid of Mitt Romney. Perhaps he is not enough of a politician to win if he runs again. But I believe he always was a strong, well-qualified candidate who would serve well as our president. Perhaps he was always a more accomplished leader and businessman than he was a politician. But if Barack Obama was the opposite, has six years of having a strong politician and a weak, inexperienced leader in the White House done much for our country? Perhaps voters should look harder at the skills, proven track record, and abilities of the presidential candidates and be less concerned with their stage presence. We need effective action and leadership coming from the White House. That might be some real change you can believe in!
Brad Bodie
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by davemotohead »

Obummer is inviting a Illegal Alien to be the Guest of Honor at the SOTU speech tonight,, What a UN-AMERICAN PUKE this idiot is! :angry:
Obama Invites Illegal Alien to Be Guest of Honor at SOTU
January 20, 2015 - 10:47 AM

The White House describes Ana as a "letter writer, student, DREAMER." She was bought here illegally as a child by parents who were themselves illegal aliens, and that's exactly why she's being honored by the White House.

If President Obama has his way, Ana and her parents will never be deported. They will be among the millions of "undocumented immigrants" who are allowed to stay in this country, something that is contrary to current law, but in accordance with directives issued by President Obama after Congress refused to enact his immigration plan.

http://cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-j ... honor-sotu" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by classicchevyowner7 »

I'm not sure why political junk constantly comes up in this forum. I mean you're all free to have your own political views, but why bring them to this forum? This is the Corvair forum, not the political forum. On another forum I am a member on there is a standing rule that no politics is to be mentioned at all. I think this should be a rule on this forum as well. I of course have my own political views, and I believe in them very strongly, but why not post that stuff where it should be. It should not be on the Corvair forum.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by davemotohead »

If you notice, this forum has a OT section that clearly says political, this is the correct section for political post like these, so it is clearly marked on the Board index page to let users of this site know this is a political section of this board, The other site does not have sub forums as this one does, so if you do not want to read political stuff you do not need to as it is clearly marked.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by bbodie52 »

ImagePlayers soon discover that best play from both parties leads to a draw (often referred to as cat or cat's game). Hence, Tic-tac-toe is most often played by young children.

:whoa: I appreciate the opportunity to express my opinions in this political arena, but at the same time it is sad to see the deep divide that exists and seems to be growing worse within our country. Americans who share much common ground seem to become enemies when squaring off in the left wing/right wing, liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican world. Our nation once had a civil war over deep economic and moral disagreements. I don't know if such a breakdown could ever occur again, but our nation faces serious outside threats and economic problems that could tear us apart if not addressed and dealt with. We seem to be making little progress because of our inability to work together and compromise — dividing across political boundaries that seem insurmountable at times. Our political and government "leaders" seek to gain votes and power through public ridicule of the opposition — encouraging the public to divide further with little productive debate occurring. The Congress accomplishes little as votes routinely divide across party lines and manipulation of House and Senate rules bring our government system to a stalemate. Instead of producing good, effective legislation, whichever party holds the majority forces through sometimes poorly thought-out one-sided legislation. Frustrated voters swing their votes to the other side to try to effect change, and as the other party takes hold they work diligently to unravel the poorly developed legislation and cancel it. Presidential vetoes are threatened against legislation that has yet to be written or read, without any apparent consideration of a compromise or negotiation. The national debt and lack of any effective budget threatens to destroy our economy. Citizens, families, and private businesses struggle to survive in the face of a warring government and ineffective leadership. And our nation's enemies take full advantage of our internal weaknesses, as our Constitutional structure begins to fracture under these internal divisions that perhaps our founding fathers could not fully anticipate.

Mitt Romney served as a Republican governor in a heavily Democrat-dominated state of Massachusetts. In spite of his party affiliation he was elected to serve as the chief executive of that state. During his term in office he was driven by a desire to serve, and took no pay for the long hours spent in office. He worked diligently to open discussions between Democrats and Republicans in the state, and he tried to be a positive influence with both sides as he worked for cooperation and compromise among state legislators. I believe he was driven to serve the citizens of Massachusetts by helping the government to conduct their business effectively — even if the majority of its citizens were not of his political party. I believe he would have felt that a veto of legislation submitted by state legislators for his signature would have represented a failure to lead and govern on his part. He preferred to listen to the people and their representatives, and to work to guide and influence to help to develop the best possible legislation that represented the will of the people of his state. He may not have fully agreed with everything that came out of the state legislators, but a veto, and possibly forcing an override of his veto power, did not represent good work on his part. In the long term since he left office in Massachusetts, Mitt Romney's work to effect compromise and cooperation with the Democrats and Republicans in his state was used to attack him as he ran for President of the United States. His signature on the Massachusetts health care bill that was written by the state legislators, after he worked diligently with state Democrats and Republicans to develop and influence the best-possible health care bill compromise, was used against him by both parties in his presidential bid. Since he worked for cooperation and compromise with Democrats, he was declared to be a RINO (Republican In Name Only), and was considered by some Republicans to be a traitor to the party and to conservative ideas. The Democrats used his affiliation with "RomneyCare" to associate him with ObamaCare, to further weaken his election efforts. Do we really want a President who can work effectively with members of both parties as the chief executive? Or do we simply want him to block all legislation efforts produced by the opposition party? Barack Obama, with the assistance of Harry Reid in the Senate, has worked to block all legislation led by Republicans. With Harry Reid out of power now, Barack Obama seems poised to veto everything that comes from the Republican-led Congress. This is excused because of the "low voter turnout" in the 2014 election cycle. Apparently the results of that election does not represent the desires of the majority, since they did not vote. :whoa: So our President does not hear the 2014 vote as a representation of the will of the people. He intends to veto most significant Congressional bills and produce his own laws from the White House. Is this what we want in our President? Or would Mitt Romney's desire to encourage compromise and cooperation in the legislative body be a better way? I believe that during his presidential campaign Barack Obama promised a transparent presidency and bi-partisan cooperation under his leadership. What happened???

Without a common bond of a Constitution and laws we all believe in, the nation cannot stand. When greed and economic division and moral decay permitted terrible things like slavery to exist in our country, our nation was almost destroyed. Even after a civil war the scars from that period and failures within our nation to adhere to the words in our Constitution still damage us as a nation. Are we headed for a collapse of our system of laws and government?

An example of this breakdown is seen here on the Corvair Forum, where a small group of people who share a common bond of appreciation of an American automobile experience an almost complete breakdown in courtesy and civil discussion when the discussion turns to this political divide. As the anger flares little effective debate seems possible. The two sides fail to hear each other as the "battle lines'" form. In a way it is a Corvair Forum example — a microcosm of our society that displays a deep divide and a general inability to communicate and compromise effectively.

Some Corvair enthusiasts who enjoyed this Forum have abandoned the Corvair Forum upon seeing this political "discussion" emerge here. Other similar forums attempt to keep these problems out by prohibiting political discussion. The Corvair Forum attempts to allow it by permitting it to exist only in a special arena, but I wonder how much damage is being done to friendships as the political discussion becomes a war zone. As the two sides present evidence to support their opinions, there seems to be little consideration of the opposing opinions and communication breaks down into deep opposition and name-calling.

I don't know where we are headed as a nation. The things I learned about in school concerning our Constitution, our government system and our nation's history appears to be breaking down. The men and women I worked with for 24 years in the military were also a microcosm of society, but we seemed to find a common ground of duty and patriotism that helped us to live and work together effectively while dealing with family separations, risks and hardship that were deemed necessary for the good of the nation. I'm not sure that patriotic common ground exists in Washington DC or in our nation as a whole anymore. :sad5:

Brad Bodie
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by davemotohead »

Obama is waging war on the American people and the Government with his "Divide and Conquer" attitude, A good president Works with people and Brings them together for the greater good, This Guy is not working with ANYONE and Dividing the people with his class warfare tactics, Race baiting using his buddy Al Sharpton, and pretty much turning people against each other and then Blaming everyone but Himself,,its Bushes fault,the Rich's Fault, The Republicans Fault, On and On, When something Happens under his watch, He always say's "I just found out about that" He never seems to Know anything that is going on and removes himself from blame! He will not even call a terrorist attack a terrorist attack! Its just a "Few Bad Apples" What a Disgrace!
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 64powerglide »

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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 1949chevy »

davemotohead wrote:Obummer is inviting a Illegal Alien to be the Guest of Honor at the SOTU speech tonight,, What a UN-AMERICAN PUKE this idiot is! :angry:
Obama Invites Illegal Alien to Be Guest of Honor at SOTU
January 20, 2015 - 10:47 AM

The White House describes Ana as a "letter writer, student, DREAMER." She was bought here illegally as a child by parents who were themselves illegal aliens, and that's exactly why she's being honored by the White House.

If President Obama has his way, Ana and her parents will never be deported. They will be among the millions of "undocumented immigrants" who are allowed to stay in this country, something that is contrary to current law, but in accordance with directives issued by President Obama after Congress refused to enact his immigration plan.

http://cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-j ... honor-sotu" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Just out of curiosity.....What indian tribe are you from? Otherwise, you are from immigrants or "undocumented immigrants" DA....!
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 1949chevy »

davemotohead wrote:Obama is waging war on the American people and the Government with his "Divide and Conquer" attitude, A good president Works with people and Brings them together for the greater good, This Guy is not working with ANYONE and Dividing the people with his class warfare tactics, Race baiting using his buddy Al Sharpton, and pretty much turning people against each other and then Blaming everyone but Himself,,its Bushes fault,the Rich's Fault, The Republicans Fault, On and On, When something Happens under his watch, He always say's "I just found out about that" He never seems to Know anything that is going on and removes himself from blame! He will not even call a terrorist attack a terrorist attack! Its just a "Few Bad Apples" What a Disgrace!
Here is the way republicans work with the president.......what did you say.." Divide and Conquer" attitude. Want to know WHY the president could not do 100% what he promised...no president has been subjected to this type of treatment. I just hope that the dems have learned from the "go back to the 1800's washington tailban"

The Republicans’ Plan for the New President

January 15, 2013, 1:24 pm ET by Azmat Khan

Watch Inside Obama’s Presidency, FRONTLINE’s probing look at his first four years in office, online now.

On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning.
Tonight’s film, Inside Obama’s Presidency, explores the behind-the-scenes story of his first four years. With inside accounts from his battles with his Republican opponents over health care and the economy to his dramatic expansion of targeted killings of enemies, FRONTLINE examines the president’s key decisions and the experiences that will inform his second term.

Another one for the NON-believers:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd0fVf5CsCc" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Here Newt admits to the above.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 91blaze »

1949chevy wrote:
davemotohead wrote:Obummer is inviting a Illegal Alien to be the Guest of Honor at the SOTU speech tonight,, What a UN-AMERICAN PUKE this idiot is! :angry:
Obama Invites Illegal Alien to Be Guest of Honor at SOTU
January 20, 2015 - 10:47 AM

The White House describes Ana as a "letter writer, student, DREAMER." She was bought here illegally as a child by parents who were themselves illegal aliens, and that's exactly why she's being honored by the White House.

If President Obama has his way, Ana and her parents will never be deported. They will be among the millions of "undocumented immigrants" who are allowed to stay in this country, something that is contrary to current law, but in accordance with directives issued by President Obama after Congress refused to enact his immigration plan.

http://cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-j ... honor-sotu" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Just out of curiosity.....What indian tribe are you from? Otherwise, you are from immigrants or "undocumented immigrants" DA....!
Yes, this country is founded on immigration, however, we are at a point where immigration is no longer needed, especially illegal immigration. I'm fine with people entering the country legally, but our economy cannot handle these large amounts of illegal immigration.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by davemotohead »

Last edited by davemotohead on Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by davemotohead »

WOW 1949,,your story comes from Al jazeera, the media outlet that Al gore sold to the Muslims! lets look at that for a moment shall we? :

Al Jazeera’s Arabic-news station has an “apparent support of the Muslim Brotherhood” in its coverage, wrote Al Arabiya columnist and Professor Emeritus of Journalism at the American University in Cairo Abdallah Schleifer earlier today. Al Arabiya has also faced criticism for its perceived bias against the Muslim Brotherhood.

Following the overthrow of Brotherhood-backed President Mohammad Mursi, , 22 Al Jazeera staff members reportedly resigned last July in objection to the channel's editorial line.

Following his resignation, Al Jazeera correspondent Haggag Salama accused the station of "airing lies and misleading viewers," in statements made to the UAE-based Gulf News.
And who edited your story? Azmat Zahra?? Gee who is she??
Azmat Zahra:
As a digital producer and reporter with Al Jazeera America’s flagship current affairs program, America Tonight, Azmat Khan is responsible for reporting in-depth original stories online.
She received an MSt. in women’s studies from Oxford University, where she was a Clarendon Scholar, and a B.A. in political science and women’s studies from the University of Michigan. She has also studied at the American University in Cairo, Egypt.
Huh? she went to Oxford,,the same School The Obama's attended,and most of his staff? :
("A new review shows that among the top brass in the Obama administration, more have graduate degrees from England's Oxford University than from public graduate schools in the U.S.")
Oxford, well know'n for their left wing socialist teachings? Amazing how when you research stuff you find out they are all sleeping in the same bed! Go Figure!
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by tommy44432 »

bbodie52 wrote:I'm sure that Social Security is in serious financial trouble. Politicians from both parties have been raiding the Social Security "lock box" for decades to use the funds for purposes outside of Social Security, as if it were just another pot of money to utilize however they wanted. As the IOU's mounted with political commitments to repay the "borrowed" money, it became increasingly apparent that the Social Security collection plate had attracted an "open season" attitude as essentially just another tax that would fund pet projects everywhere to help buy votes. When that cash cow was drained, and methods to raise taxes further became hard to find, the methods of borrowing from foreign countries increasingly came into play. As that method continues, it is not enough for the never-ending political appetite for more money. The government is now simply printing money in greater volumes.

I'm not sure where this will all end. Our nation has developed an insatiable appetite for government handouts. From the "Obamaphone" to the latest offer for free college for everyone and forgiveness of government-secured college loans, to never-ending unemployment checks, food stamps, and Social Security Disability for EVERYONE... this simply cannot continue. Other nations have gone bankrupt and suffered terrible consequences. I'm afraid that it may happen here as well unless our elected officials find a way to adhere to the intent of our founding fathers and the laws that form a basis for our country. Politicians are increasingly getting better at finding methods to bypass our Constitution. Obama has the lead as he continues to consider Congress and voters, and the laws, to be irrelevant — something to be bypassed. Our country struggles to try to figure out how to deal with such a man who has seemingly unlimited power (possibly limited only by time) — especially if the checks and balances fail and our Legislative and Judicial branches struggle in uncertainty.

In any case, if the Social Security program is to be saved at all, many career politicians are sure to offer numerous plans to fix the problems. Hopefully the debate and weeding-out processes will eliminate bad ideas. But along the way as election dates approach many politicians are sure to run for cover as they try to defend their turf. The most-recent example was Democrat Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, as she struggled to save her bacon and distance herself from Obama in a last ditch reelection effort that failed.

The article you referred to was published in late October — just before the November elections. If it reveals some "two-faced" politicians in an attempt to weaken the Republican effort to take control of the Harry Reid dominated Senate, I would not be overly concerned about the impact on Social Security. The article apparently failed to gain interest or impact the election outcome very much.

After watching Obama string political lie after lie together — telling the gullible voters whatever they wanted to hear to gather Obama votes — I have come to believe that Obama is the master of this type of political manipulation. Perhaps the candidate who lies best will always be our next president. Perhaps Romney's greatest weakness was his effort to be honest with the voters in his comments. He is a businessman, a man of religious faith, and a strong family man. Not really a traditional politician, he served one term as a Republican governor in a strongly Democrat state. He attempted to do the best job he could in working with both parties in the state legislature to help them to develop the best-possible legislation. His way was to try to lead and influence and negotiate — not to simply veto every bill submitted by the Democrat inspired state legislators. He felt that he was there to serve as the chief executive in Massachusetts — serving ALL the citizens of that state. Their elected legislative body represented the desires of the voters, and from Mitt Romney's viewpoint they all deserved to be heard and carefully considered.

I wish that attitude existed now in Washington. The elected members of Congress should be working for the best legislation possible for our country. Party politics should be secondary to the needs of our country. And the worst offender in Washington resides in the White House. He went to war with the new Congress before they were sworn in. He threatens to veto every Republican-led bill submitted for his signature. He no longer has Harry Reid to run interference for him, so now he must come out of the shadows to try to stop Congress in its tracks — while blaming the Congress for its continually "bad" legislation and attempting to substitute Obama White House edicts and proclamations from the only man in Washington DC who has an opinion that matters! He is opposed to Republicans and any traitorous Democrats who might be inclined to work in a bi-partisan effort of negotiation, compromise, and cooperation to produce legislation that is "not worthy" of his signature. The junior Senator from Illinois who leapfrogged into the White House with the help of political manipulation, lies, and false promises provided to an idealistic group of voters who wanted to believe... really has no interest in listening to the voters or in working with anyone who produces ideas other than those generated from Obama himself. The voters believed... and now we are stuck with the results.
The Real Mitt Romney!

After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar, but never worked as an attorney.

As a venture-capitalist, Romney's first major business deal involved investing in a start-up office supply company with one store in Massachusetts that sold office supplies. That company, called Staples, now has over 2,000 stores and employs over 90,000 people.

Romney or his company Bain Capital (using what became known as the "Bain Way") would go on to perform the same kinds of business miracles again and again, with companies like Domino's, Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot Supply, and many others.

Got your calculators handy? Let's recap.

Volunteer campaign worker for his dad's gubernatorial campaign 1 year.

Unpaid intern in Governor's office 8 years.

Mormon missionary in Paris 2 years.

Unpaid bishop and stake president for his church 10 years.

No salary as president of the Olympics 3 years.

No salary as MA governor 4 years.

That's a grand total of 28 years of unpaid service to his country, his community and his church. Why? Because that's the kind of man Mitt Romney is!

And in 2011 Mitt Romney gave over $4 million to charity, almost 19% of his income ... Obama gave 1% Joe Biden gave $300 or .0013% This is real character vs ... well you know what!
:link: http://www.snopes.com/politics/romney/realmitt.asp
As noble as this makes Mr. Romney sound I'd like to point out he's quite wealthy on his own and the monies he refused are pretty much pocket change to him.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by tommy44432 »

davemotohead wrote:Obama is waging war on the American people and the Government with his "Divide and Conquer" attitude, A good president Works with people and Brings them together for the greater good, This Guy is not working with ANYONE and Dividing the people with his class warfare tactics, Race baiting using his buddy Al Sharpton, and pretty much turning people against each other and then Blaming everyone but Himself,,its Bushes fault,the Rich's Fault, The Republicans Fault, On and On, When something Happens under his watch, He always say's "I just found out about that" He never seems to Know anything that is going on and removes himself from blame! He will not even call a terrorist attack a terrorist attack! Its just a "Few Bad Apples" What a Disgrace!
Class warfare is not the result of Obama but more a result of political parties allowing a huge disparity of income to manifest itself in the form of tax breaks for the wealthy and nothing for the middle class.
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