OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by Gigharborvair »

Social Security disability, Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, Obamacare, children's services....and dozens of others. We have plenty of safety nets for those that truly need it. I'm not without a heart, but I can only take so much of someone shoving their liberal agenda down my throat. Disability income insurance and her own initiative to buy it probably would have gone a long way toward solving some of her financial problems. Sounds like she had plenty of income to afford it. It is not my responsibility to restore someone to their former financial self. It is my responsibility and I gladly accept it, to provide a safety net for those who truly need it.

We now have almost 60% of the population on assistance. I have a sister-in-law who is perfectly fine but for 30 years she has worked the system for who knows how much.... 30-40,000/year. Add her medical expenses that we pay to that and who knows? Guess what.... her kids are now heavily on public assistance., and her grandkids too!

There are those with real needs, but there are those without as well gaming the system. " BUT DON'T YOU KNOW I'M ENTITLED...WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU"

My best to you girlfriend.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by Gigharborvair »

One more true fact.... My father is 89 and, bless his heart, becoming severely disabled with dementia. He starting receiving social security at age 62. He was very successful as a sole proprietor in business and is by no means poor, but that being said, he is a depression era baby and will never feel secure. According to him, the government and those rich SOB republicans are starving the poor man and " no matter how long I live, I'll never get all the money I paid into social security back out."

I accompanied him to a social security office last year to check his record. Over his lifetime, he paid just under $40,000 into the system. His lifetime benefits as of last year were over $500,000. The average annual internal rate of return on 32 years of very low contribution amounts represent over 17% per year.... if the federal government had their reserves invested in that risk associated return, the public would be up in arms over the risk ( Siberian penny stocks ).

The point is, some people will never be satisfied. And....if some people reach retirement age with just social security ( I said some ) for income, the fault may be in the mirror. It makes me sad, but is that my fault? And how much of it is my responsibility? I've raised my own family, sent kids college, generously donated to charity, saved for my own retirement, and paid plenty of taxes. All on a modest income.

Safety nets are just that... Safety nets. Don't shoot the guy funding the programs.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by Nickshu »

Gigharborvair wrote: Safety nets are just that... Safety nets. Don't shoot the guy funding the programs.
Gig your comments embody the quote: "the main problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money"
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by bbodie52 »

:goodpost: My wife suffered a brain hemorrhage (stroke) in 1978, at the age of 26. At the time we were stationed at Hanscom AFB, Massachusetts, and she was working in a child daycare center. I had been on active duty with the Air Force since 1972. We had one son, who was 2 years old. The stroke completely paralyzed my wife on her left side, but fortunately the brain hemorrhage had stopped bleeding on its own (the area of the bleed was inoperable). After approximately six months of physical therapy when she was able to walk again our lives returned somewhat to normal.

I was able to remain with the Air Force on active duty for a total of 24 years. In the years from her first stroke in 1978 until the year 2000, my wife continued to be employed as we moved around the country and I served in overseas duty assignments in Germany (accompanied by family) , South Korea (unaccompanied), and Saudi Arabia (unaccompanied). Over the years my wife suffered four additional brain hemorrhages — each causing increasing permanent paralysis on her left side. The paralysis, coupled with severe arthritis in her hips and right knee ultimately forced her to stop working. Since she was no longer able to work, she had to apply for Social Security Disability in 2000, and her carefully documented application was approved in 2001, at age 48. Since she was permanently disabled, Medicare eligibility automatically became available to her two years later in 2003.

My wife had managed, in spite of severe health problems, to continue working, raising the children, and running the house as a single parent during my military absences for about 22 years after her first stroke. She did not want to stop working, but was forced to by her deteriorating health. Even then I had to convince her that she was eligible for Social Security Disability as a form of insurance that she was only eligible for because she had worked and paid into the system for decades, and her permanent health problems made her eligible to file what amounted to an insurance claim.

At the time, the Social Security Disability application process was a complex and difficult one. Many applicants were denied if their health problems did not meet the minimum standards. My wife's application was carefully and extensively well-documented with many sources of medical verification from numerous doctors and hospitals, and her application was approved.

I believe that my wife's case is an example of how the Social Security Disability system is supposed to work. What is troubling to me is the greatly increasing rate of applications — many likely fraudulent — that have been seen in recent years. As a part of the current economic recession, we first saw extensive increases in the duration of unemployment benefits. When those extended unemployment benefits also ran out, the rate and quantity of beneficiaries of Food Stamps, Social Security Disability applicants, etc. apparently skyrocketed. A system of lawyers and political lobbyists seems to have grown to drive the system to ever-increasing levels. The approval rate for Social Security Disability applicants appears to have increased dramatically, as many formerly employed Americans sought new ways to extend government benefits after the unemployment checks stopped coming. As these numbers increase and the duration of the benefits paid by Federal and State agencies seems to be never ending, it is not surprising that the system is extended beyond the normal funding capabilities, and the national debt continues to climb dramatically.

We are becoming a nation of entitlements in a system of support that cannot be sustained. Eventually the ability to fund by borrowing, printing money, etc. has to fail. If it does our system of government would no longer be viable. Those who are truly needy of a "safety net", and all of the rest will be cut off from government support as the abused system collapses. The support system can only survive under a strong economic base. Illegal immigration and "entitlements" and costs paid to illegal immigrants also exacerbates the complex problems, and would seem to accelerate the underfunded system to the point of self destruction.

It is essential that elected government leaders become part of the solution, instead of part of the problem. Fraud must be detected and stopped. Laws must be enforced. And the process of "buying votes" using taxpayer dollars must end. Career politicians may be a part of the problem, and perhaps term limits for elected officials may help by weaning career politicians off of the government dole as well. There are certainly valid reasons for a government managed and taxpayer funded "safety net", but an abused system will ultimately fail.

Fraud And Disability Equal A Multibillion Dollar Black Hole For Taxpayers

:link: http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardfing ... taxpayers/
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by Gigharborvair »


Your story is one of true American tradegy, but also a story of admired perserverence ,love and fortitude. You have my utmost admiration and gratitude.....truly, my best to your family.

1949, no whining, bitchin' or moaning here. No conspiricy theories. Just an American and his family, lovingly doing what's necessary, partrioticly contributing to society and faithfully following the rules of that society.

64chev, notice no boast in what this family has been able to get from the government "tax free"-$600/mo more than you were earning. Most people would not boast about such a low wage to begin with.

The difference in these authors is like, in the first instance, day.....and in the last two instances, night. I'd rather know and be known in the daylight
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by reidmier »

Social Security is neither.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 64powerglide »


I have to say i'm now almost 71 & have had Heart surgery "1998" & tried to keep working but in 2002 my employer of 27 years dropped my insurance after I had Hernia surgery stating that "according his agreement with said ins. co. he could no longer insure me". I had a lot of problems after surgery & was in the ER so many times & my Cardiologist said I should apply for disability. Well after talking to the insurance co. & finding out my employer had broken the law by dropping my insurance & I could hire a Lawyer & sue him I just told my wife I was going to apply for disability. All I did was call the SS office & they told me I didn't have to come in & they would send me the forms. Six months later I had to talk to a Psychologist which I did & I was approved. That 6 month of no income wiped out my savings. In 1995 my wife was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic & she has been on meds since then. I paid $170.00 a month for her meds, twice she took them all at once which ended up with hospital stays. Luckily I had insurance at the time but Michigan has a $5,000 limit on mental health, one week in a ward wiped out the $5,000 & her first stay was 2 weeks. My wife has been a housewife not having enough work quarters to get any assistance, disability ect. & she is only 58 so if I die today she has no income. Her meds after Obamacare went into effect went up to $380.00 a month "crooked drug companies" which her Obamacare is now paying for. The first year of Obamacare was $70.00 a month but this year it is up to $137.00 a month, wonder how much it will go up next year. What i'm saying is without disability where would I be. :dontknow: When a person gets on disability they get more money than if the just retired, if I waited until I was 66 & got my regular SS I would only be getting around $1,200 a month but when you are disabled it locked in. There are people who abuse the system & that has to change, I had to work 40 years to get what I get. SS & medicare cannot be removed, you working people have to make sure it's still around to help you, your children & grandchildren because we never know what's going to happen to any of us. Just think about what any of you would do if something happened & you couldn't work anymore. I'm not bragging about getting disability, i'm just glad it was available. You all have to keep it available!!!!!!!!!

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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 64powerglide »

Another Paul Harvey.
64Powerglide, Jeff Phillips

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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by bbodie52 »

:goodpost: Thirty years has passed since Paul Harvey uttered these words. He could have recorded it today and it would have the same meaning and applicability. One party proposing a 20% cut in Social Security??? There may be a better chance of having Congress imposing term limits on itself!

Some current Social Security statistics from the Social Security Administration...

Social Security Basic Facts
April 2, 2014

In 2014, over 59 million Americans will receive almost $863 billion in Social Security benefits.

As of January 18, 2015, the United States has a total resident population of 320,064,285, making it the third-most populous country in the world. It is very urbanized, with 81% residing in cities and suburbs as of 2014

December 2013 Beneficiary Data

Retired workers.....38 million $49 billion $1,294 average monthly benefit
dependents.....2.9 million $1.9 billion
Disabled workers.....8.8 million $10.3 billion $1,146 average monthly benefit
dependents.....2 million $0.69 billion
Survivors.....6.2 million $6.7 billion $1,244 average monthly benefit

Social Security is the major source of income for most of the elderly.
  • Nine out of ten individuals age 65 and older receive Social Security benefits.
  • Social Security benefits represent about 38% of the income of the elderly.
  • Among elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 52% of married couples and 74% of unmarried persons receive 50% or more of their income from Social Security.
  • Among elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 22% of married couples and about 47% of unmarried persons rely on Social Security for 90% or more of their income.
Social Security provides more than just retirement benefits.
  • Retired workers and their dependents account for 74% of total benefits paid in December 2013.
  • Disabled workers and their dependents account for 16% of total benefits paid in December 2013.
    - About 90 percent of workers age 21-64 in covered employment in 2013 and their families have protection in the event of a long-term disability.
    - Just over 1 in 4 of today’s 20 year-olds will become disabled before reaching age 67.
    - 68% of the private sector workforce has no long-term disability insurance.
  • Survivors of deceased workers account for 10% of total benefits paid in December 2013.
    - About one in eight of today’s 20 year-olds will die before reaching age 67.
    - About 96% of persons aged 20-49 who worked in covered employment in 2013 have survivors insurance protection for their young children and the surviving spouse caring for the children.
An estimated 165 million workers are covered under Social Security.
  • 51% of the workforce has no private pension coverage.
  • 34% of the workforce has no savings set aside specifically for retirement.
In 1940, the life expectancy of a 65-year-old was almost 14 years; today it is about 20 years.

By 2033, the number of older Americans will increase from 46.6 million today to over 77 million.

There are currently 2.8 workers for each Social Security beneficiary. By 2033, there will be 2.1 workers for each beneficiary.
Social Security Fact Sheet (2014).pdf
Social Security Fact Sheet
(41.19 KiB) Downloaded 29 times
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 64powerglide »

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the
people to restrain the government-lest it come to
dominate our lives and interests"
Patrick Henry
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 1949chevy »

Gigharborvair wrote:My most uninformed 1949chevy,

Being a financial planner and estate planning consultant for 37 years, I take great issue with your facts. While not bothering to go into detail, you could not be more wrong on your tax numbers.....I MEAN WAY OFF !!. Go get another education before you quote tax facts. :rolling: :nono:
I think you missed my major point....that hannity lies to you....I noticed you ignored what I heard with my own ears on the radio. You never mentioned the " shame on hannity for not saying the first $5,000,000.00 was exempt...maybe you are like him and agree he should have not mentioned that fact to his audience.

After all, that was the point. He talked for nearly 45 minutes claiming that "all the mom and pop shops that worked so hard, would not be able to pass their hard work, $$$$ etc on to their heirs...their children". NOT ONE TIME, DID HE MENTION THE FACT, THAT THE FIRST 5 MILLION DOLLARS WAS EXEMPT.

Now, speaking of that, I see you did not catch the 5 million exempt amount I stated. If you did, you would have known that 5 million was the amount in 2011...that is when I heard hannity lie. At that time, not that it matters, the rate was 35% on the balance after the 5 million exemption....not 40 some you stated...again...not important...the lying to his audience was...or at least being decietful certainly was....by the way, 2011 was a few years back and the difference in 28% and 35% was from memory...not a recent look up.

He also left out several statements that President Obama stated in his early address to us here in America. Hannity stated that " Obama said that government was the only cure to the economy". WRONG...LIED AGAIN. I heard the speech just the same day hannity lied. The president said ...." Its going to take government to fix this economy ( we were losing 700,000 jobs a month under bush at that time). It is also going to take business to help...its going to take everyone in America to help pull us out of this terrible job loss period". We are all going to have to pull together to fix our economy". Those were not his exact words but real close...I am sure they can be looked up.

Again...I have listened to hannity twice....and both times....LIES ....LIES.....AND MORE LIES. I personally do not appreciate being lied to....I was taught in school to question anything that puts any doubt in my mind...that is what I do and most times...I discover the statements made and the truth are very different.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by davemotohead »

Your Guy Lies Continuously every day! How can you support him?

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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by Gigharborvair »


Listen f***face, you look it up as you are so fond of saying. 2015 federal estate tax exemption is $5.43M WITH portability. The tax rate on all of the excess taxable estate is a FLAT 40%. The fact is in today's economy, it is not uncommon for a successful small closely held business employing 10-100 people to have a net worth of several million dollars. That does not mean they are independently wealthy. It means that they have the where-with all to provide jobs for countless people while pursuing success for themselves. Try providing jobs without any resources ! Oh wait, the government does that all the time....using the tax money that I provide. We get waste and fraud. Private business can not afford waste and fraud....it goes bankrupt and people lose jobs.

Now being a mindless unsuccessful peon like yourself, I can understand that you think $89.00 is a net worth to be proud of and something to strive for, but it's not, look it up between the folds on your backside.

There are 7 states in American that have their own estate/inheritance tax laws....Washington, in which I reside, being one of them. The exemption is 2M with tax on the excess being 14-20% (progressive in case you don't understand that, look it up a****le ). Most Boeing employees of tenure have that much just in their home and 401k. It is not uncommon for a retiring Boeing employee to have accumulated 7 figures. That's the case with many retirees across a wide spectrum of businesses. The average worker right? PAYING ESTATE TAX.

Meaningful succession planning in most instances can reduce but not eliminate those taxes.

You could not " look something up " if it were superglued to your forehead ( you never could figure out why things are reverse in a mirror ). DONE WITH THIS.
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by 1949chevy »

Gigharborvair wrote:1949,

Listen f***face, you look it up as you are so fond of saying. 2015 federal estate tax exemption is $5.43M WITH portability. The tax rate on all of the excess taxable estate is a FLAT 40%. The fact is in today's economy, it is not uncommon for a successful small closely held business employing 10-100 people to have a net worth of several million dollars. That does not mean they are independently wealthy. It means that they have the where-with all to provide jobs for countless people while pursuing success for themselves. Try providing jobs without any resources ! Oh wait, the government does that all the time....using the tax money that I provide. We get waste and fraud. Private business can not afford waste and fraud....it goes bankrupt and people lose jobs.

Now being a mindless unsuccessful peon like yourself, I can understand that you think $89.00 is a net worth to be proud of and something to strive for, but it's not, look it up between the folds on your backside.

There are 7 states in American that have their own estate/inheritance tax laws....Washington, in which I reside, being one of them. The exemption is 2M with tax on the excess being 14-20% (progressive in case you don't understand that, look it up a****le ). Most Boeing employees of tenure have that much just in their home and 401k. It is not uncommon for a retiring Boeing employee to have accumulated 7 figures. That's the case with many retirees across a wide spectrum of businesses. The average worker right? PAYING ESTATE TAX.

Meaningful succession planning in most instances can reduce but not eliminate those taxes.

You could not " look something up " if it were superglued to your forehead ( you never could figure out why things are reverse in a mirror ). DONE WITH THIS.
Again...you just cannot handle the truth...evidently you cannot read either....I said from memory from 2011....tax rate was 35%. I guess I have to download the irs tax table for you....later. No time for your nonsense now....you do make a great repubican though....still don't get the $5,000,000.00 exclusion do you...again...look at 2011. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HANNITY NOT TELLING HIS AUDIENCE ABOUT THIS EXCLUSION?
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by Gigharborvair »

I think Hannity is a good solid American. You on the other hand are an insignificant pimple on a hyena's ass. :rolling: :wave:

Oh by the way, I have the "balls" to list my name and location. You, again on the other hand, choose to hide behind an insignificant email address like a terrorist's face mask. Insignificance.....how does it feel, really?
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Re: OT---One party is proposing a 20% cut in Social Security

Post by davemotohead »

What I think is funny is the way you attack a Radio talk show Host who is not even a politician, You act like Hannity is making decision for the USA,,But he is just a Talk show Host, his Opinions are just that,Opinions,BUT you totally Ignore the DOCUMENTED LIES that your Hero the president and the LYING democrats tell you every day! Every time one of Us proves you WRONG you change the Subject and Ignore the TRUE facts! Hannity and Rush and Fox news are not the problem, Last time I looked they did not make 1 law that affects anyone,,the Dems in charge are another story,the Damage this Administration has Done to the USA is unimaginable! Just the ACA alone is destroying the once best healthcare system on the planet and devastating the hard working middle class, And now your Guy wants to "Tax the rich to help the middle class that he destroyed" But when you look at his proposals,,its just another TAX on the middle class, Another Batch of LIES! Pull your head out dude!
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