OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN LIES

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OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN LIES

Post by 1949chevy »

Okay you 3-4 that shoot the messenger...have at it again.

I noticed not one of you actually commented about the republican 20% cut in Social Security and the increases going to the multi millionaires...and I assume you will try and change the subject like you are so good at. Don't dare say that he was wrong okay. Say how great he is lying to you and me and everyone in America.

(My next will be the fraud by republican congressmen and veterans.)...coming to a theater near you.

This republican must get his "facts" from Hannity or Fox news...or worse...the druggy on radio. One of these days, the republicans will finally come to the conclusion their "facts, statements" can be fact checked.

No wonder some of you are so angry...you do not question people like this...you assume they are telling the truth and the whole time they are lying to you....are you really that gullable....I hate it but I think YES evidently to some of you.

Again...don't trust me. Look this up for yourself...then you just might trust me. Do not trust me or anyone else telling you something that you think you should question.


"Over half of the people on disability are either anxious or their back hurts," said Paul, who is an ophthalmologist. "Everybody in this room knows somebody who's gaming the system."
In full 2016 mode, Rand Paul starts New Hampshire blitz
Those are some pretty hefty accusations that feed into the standard conservative line that social security is another mismanaged, abused and bloated government program. And of course, Democrats didn't skip a beat in going after him for the comments.
But let's dig into Paul's claims.
Are more than half the people receiving disability checks from the government cashing in on back pain and anxiety?
Paul may have gotten a little bit carried away with all this talk of government waste and abuse when he got into the disability figures.
The share of back pain and anxiety sufferers doesn't crack 50%, not even when you lump in the broader categories of "mood disorders" --14% of disability beneficiaries -- and "musculoskeletal system and connective tissue" diseases, which account for 29% of total beneficiaries.
You can even add in the 4.9% of people receiving disability checks for "injuries" and you still don't reach Paul's 50% threshold.
How common are back pain and anxiety anyway?
Back pain is a pretty pervasive issue in the U.S. In fact, it's the leading cause of disability in Americans under 45 years old according to the National Center for Health Statistics. And 26 million Americans aged 20 to 64 experience frequent back pain -- that's just more than 8% of the U.S. population.
So, no, Paul isn't quite right in saying "everybody over 40 has back pain." But we'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that one that he was talking about your once-in-a-while, pop a couple pain killers and you're fine kind of pain.
Democrats hit Rand Paul for disability comments
But those people obviously aren't getting disability from the Social Security Administration. The agency has established criteria that needs to be met in order to qualify for disability payments, all of which involve specific conditions or evidence of serious symptoms as determined by a doctor that "prevent an individual from doing any gainful activity."
Yeah, but what about all that fraud?
Well, it's less common than some would lead you to believe -- though it's not clear exactly how much fraud occurs.
The Social Security Administration has often cited a figure that disability fraud amounts to less than 1% of cases. Conservatives have disputed that figure, but what's clear is that the number of applications referred to investigators and then the number of cases actually determined to be fraudulent are in the thousands -- not the tens or hundreds of thousands, which would indicate a significant percentage.
A Social Security administrator told a congressional committee in 2012 that of the 19,000 cases referred for suspected fraud, only about 4,600 were opened for fuller investigation. And fewer were determined to be fraudulent.
And Paul's arguing that the states should run the program to bring those numbers even lower?
That's what it sounds like. But he also appears to be suggesting that the bar to receive Social Security disability insurance should be raised.
"What I tell people is, if you look like me and you hop out of your truck, you shouldn't be getting a disability check," Paul said.
And while he likened clinical anxiety to everyone who gets "a little anxious for work every day," Paul suggested that only people who are "legitimately disabled" like those who are "paraplegic, quadriplegic" should be eligible for disability entitlements.
Could this be damaging for Paul if he decides to run in 2016?
Anything a potential candidate says in the run up to 2016 -- in fact, anything they've ever said -- can come back to bite them in a campaign ad or stump speech attack.
This is unlikely to be something that would hurt Paul in the primary since Republicans are largely in agreement when it comes to the need to reform government programs like Social Security, but it could be used against Paul in the general.
Romney knocked 47% of the American population who, according to him, "are dependent upon government, who believe they are victims" and who feel "entitled to health care, to food, to housing, you name it."
That was a hugely damaging comment in 2012, but Paul's comment about the half of Americans on disability likely won't have the same effect.
About 8.8 million Americans receive disability checks. Lump in their roughly 2 million dependents and you've still got less than 4% of the population. But the real reason Romney's remark hurt him was because it reinforced a narrative voters already had about Romney -- that he was a rich guy out of touch with the struggle of middle Americans. Paul doesn't have a heartless reputation with voters and his comments fit with his reputation as a small government conservative.
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Re: OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN

Post by davemotohead »

For someone So Against Political post on the Forums,,you seem to be starting them all now,Do as I say not as I do Huh? Typical left wing Hypocrite once again ,For 1 anything on CNN is a Left wing Biased Bunch of Lies! I don't even bother reading your propaganda anymore because its all left wing brainwashed Garbage ,why don't you just Face the Facts! Your Guy Obama is Destroying this country and Killing the middle class, He is Helping Illegals More than Tax paying citizens and now wants to Help a communist country Who's best Allie is Russia who rules its people with military force who once had nukes pointed at the USA,Cuba, The DEMOCRAPS have committed more Fraud than any organization in the USA, between the use of federal agencies like the IRS and EPA to target opposing political parties right down to the Extortion act LIE called the ACA That is completely destroying the healthcare system and bankrupting the middle class Who by the way Create more jobs and pay the majority of the Taxes in this country that keep the system rolling, You can Keep your Doctor! ya right! Also your Guy Uses Good old Al Sharpton to promote class warfare and urban uprising all in the name of Racism that your party creates and then Spews every chance they get! LIE after LIE after LIE comes from your corrupt party of socialist UN-American freedom hating political correct lets all get a trophy and a Gov Hand out because we are Victims and entitled to everything for free because its not our fault we were born in American and now Mexico! and you Eat it up like a Good NON THINKING Sponge, So tell me,,Are you on Hillary's political Campaign Committee to help her get elected FRAUDULENTLY as well? Get a Clue,,the Real Truth is out there,its not on CNN.

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Re: OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN

Post by Gigharborvair »

Really? Not even a thank you for paying taxes into the system that helps support a girlfriend, and probably, by his own admission soon will support him?

I decline to continue this banter with a conspiricy prone lousy idiot. Have a nice public assisted life. :wave:
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Re: OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN

Post by vairsquared »

It is hilarious that you guys take sides...reps vs dems. They are all out for themselves and could give a good god damn about any of us. The system is broken and they do their very best to keep it that way so folks will get wrapped up in the arguments while they line their pockets and set up their post political board of directors jobs where they get even more rich. Such is America now...sad...
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Re: OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN

Post by davemotohead »

I kind of Agree with you that they are all Crooked, But one side is worse than the other, BUT anyone who thinks giving 11 million illegals a free Ride is Nuts! Unless you want New democrat voters!
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Re: OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN

Post by 1949chevy »

davemotohead wrote:Taking side's or not, BUT anyone who thinks giving 11 million illegals a free Ride is Nuts! Unless you want New democrat voters!
Dave...heres you one...I see some just can't take the truth...I did not write the articles I have posted...they came from reliable sources....you 3-4 just can't handle the truth can you...but you do like to dish out your BS and that is exactly what is and you know it.

I don't know where is sam he.....you get your info. Do you dream this stuff up.

Try checking FACTCHECK....here is one I just found there looking for something else. By the way, I have not even got started yet.....


Q: Is it true that George W. Bush took more vacation days than Barack Obama?

A: Yes. Before his two-week trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August, Obama’s count was 125 full or partial days and Bush’s total at the same point in his presidency was 407.

Read the full question and answer

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Re: OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN

Post by bbodie52 »

Yes, but I believe that George Bush worked in-between vacations. I think President Obama has been on vacation since he was elected. And he also likely feels like he is on vacation when he is out campaigning (his natural habitat), so he often leaves the White House when the pressure mounts and he decides to declare another fund raising Road Trip. When you add up the vacation days you must include the fund raising junkets as vacation time.

plural noun: junkets

an extravagant trip or celebration, in particular one enjoyed by a government official at public expense.
synonyms: excursion, outing, spree, trip, jaunt; celebration, party, jamboree, feast, festivity; informal: bash, shindig

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Re: OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN

Post by davemotohead »

So you say we change the Subject but YOU, take giving 11 mil illegals a free ride mean's Bush takes more vacations? Talk about Changing the subject! :nono:

Oh you mean Fact check, the left wing run BIASED propaganda Site that LIES? Try again numb nuts! :

FactCheck.org is a LEFT-BIASED organization that has sold itself as “Politically NEUTRAL” to America’s voters and media personnel.

The fact is, the ANNENBERG Public Policy Center (APPC), the sponsoring agency behind FastCheck.org, is itself supported by the same foundation, the ANNENBERG FOUNDATION, that Bill Ayers secured the 49.2 million dollars from to create the Chicago ANNENBERG Challenge “philanthropic” organization in which Barack Obama was the founding Chairman of the Board for and Ayers served as the grant writer of and co-Chair of for its two operating arms.

Some cant Take the Truth?? HA! Look in the Mirror Buddy! Does the LEFT have no conscience at all?
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Re: OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN

Post by MBlaster1 »

No they don't Dave!!!!
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Re: OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN

Post by 1949chevy »

bbodie52 wrote:Yes, but I believe that George Bush worked in-between vacations. I think President Obama has been on vacation since he was elected. And he also likely feels like he is on vacation when he is out campaigning (his natural habitat), so he often leaves the White House when the pressure mounts and he decides to declare another fund raising Road Trip. When you add up the vacation days you must include the fund raising junkets as vacation time.

plural noun: junkets

an extravagant trip or celebration, in particular one enjoyed by a government official at public expense.
synonyms: excursion, outing, spree, trip, jaunt; celebration, party, jamboree, feast, festivity; informal: bash, shindig

Maybe you did not get the meeting by republicans when the president was elected by the MAJORITY of voters in America...( by the way, TWICE, certainly by more than congress folks get elected by, I know the last time 5,000,000 more Americans voted for him than the 47% guy).

Anyway, please name me all the bills passed by republicans ( especially job bills to help America) that was passed by repubicans.

Better yet, name one bill that helps middle income folks in America...yep...ZERO, ZIP.
Better yet, name one bill that the republicans have passed for middle income people in the last 10 years.

Back to your point...the president invited top republicans to the white house on several occasions and they did not want to participate on anything...once they walked out...they wanted everything and conceded NOTHING.

The president has NOTHING TO SIGN. If it was me, I would have been out on the trail badmouthing the Washington Tailaban, you know....THOSE THAT SAID IT WAS MORE IMPORTANT TO MAKE OBAMA A ONE TERM PRESIDENT...THAN TO DO THE JOB THEY WERE SENT TO WASHINTON TO DO....had it been me, someone would have been up for treason...because that is what it was....I hope that now he does what the republicans have been doing for 6 years now...NOTHING.

And your take off that too much is given out in Washington...is correct. The CORPORATE WELFARE is way out of control and needs brought in. When MOBIL/EXXON gets a check(2008) for $586,000,000, Facebook just got $400,000,000 from IRS because of loopholes that the dems tried to fix and the republicans said no to...and the dems did a bill to eliminate companys going to China so they would bring jobs back to America. Again, the Washington Tailaban kept the bill from passing...but the heck with someone getting food stamps(mostly white and a lot of veterans). Right?

Speaking of the dems bill to eliminate gov perks for companies moving to China....how many jobs here in America do think would have come back to help the economy that the republicans created with bush...again this bill denied by republicans.

I think there are 72 companies getting a check from IRS and pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX.

In a nutshell, the repubicans only pass bills that give even more to the 1%'ers, the multi-millionaires, billionaires....I think in the Caymen Islands, something like 800 corporations list their home base there....thus, not paying their FAIR SHARE of taxes...then YOU and I have to pay more...yep...their share they are suppose to pay.

You know, both posts I have posted listed facts....not one of you 2-3 addressed the headline...just changed the subject...but given the fox news..hannity republican slant...I don't blame you all for changing the subject...I would too if I subscribed to their lies and incomplete reporting....like the fact that hannity left out the 1st $5,000,000 is exempt from the fed inheritance tax ( death tax to republicans...a luntz catch word) and stating for 45 min that "mom and pop" shops would leave "nothing" to their heirs...by the way, the fin advisor did not catch the 5 mil exemption...that is a dead give-a-way to 2011 expemption and the rate then was 35%... but the amount was not what was important....the fact that hannity left out a very important FACT and basically lied to his audience (you I am guessing) and weak minded folks and those that trust him and not looking up the facts ....then formed a conclusion that the gov was a boogie man....NOT SO TRUE!!! when hannitys BS has a fact or two in it. That was NOT his only (note to self...leave out important facts) story to fool my audience....I am glad I was given the brains to realize I was being taken by this entertainer....to bad, too many don't take time to actually look up the facts...if they were rational thinkers they would see for themselves.

Speaking of rational thinkers....the bumper sticker "Critical thinking, the other national deficit" holds so true!!!!!!
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Re: OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN

Post by 1949chevy »

davemotohead wrote:I kind of Agree with you that they are all Crooked, But one side is worse than the other, BUT anyone who thinks giving 11 million illegals a free Ride is Nuts! Unless you want New democrat voters!
Dave....this is the first political statement you have made that I agree with you...not the illegal part...I have a Mexican friend who helped me when I was building houses who really needs to be made a citizen...he has very nice well mannered children...he helps me now from time to time here at my house and does a lot at my girlfriends. I would trust my life with him. By the way, he does pay fed tax and SS as he now works for a top builder here, but does not reap any benefits.

You and I might agree with this statement....money needs to be taken out of the politicans in Washington. Re-election money should come from ones own district only and the corporate tv stations should give the finalist 2-3 debates for free...no other political ads allowed that money is charged for...the reason you do not hear the above is that the radio and tv stations make major income on these political ads...so they will not promote anything to help America because of this huge income.

I also think one term...6 years...a million per year income( so no bribes, shnaigans)...no benefits...none!!! and they cannot get involved with any company for 3 years after leaving Washington...and especially lobbyist...which would not be allowed to meet with congressmen...the congressmen would have to get their own state's needs from the people in their state only.

I did buy a website with some of these statements to be put on it...but just been way to busy with my 49 and corvair...When I had my business, I constructed my own business website...one of the first to do so in WNC.
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Re: OT- Presidentual Hopeful gets caught telling BOGGIE MAN

Post by davemotohead »

Ok,,Once again You make statements that are just plain Wrong, If your Mexican friend needs to be a citizen, then tell him to apply for Citizenship and do it Legally like millions of Immigrants have done! my wife is from the Philippines and Immigrated here LEGALLY! it cost us $1000's to do it Right and by the LAW! my next door neighbors on both sides are Immigrants,one from Mexico and the other from Egypt, My best friend is Hispanic AND from Mexico, ALL DID IT LEGALLY BY THE LAW! Everyone I know who came to The USA and applied for citizenship,payed the money,took the time,went to the interviews and abide by the law is TOTALLY PISSED OFF at Obama's ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION PLANS! NONE OF THESE ILLEGAL LAW BREAKING INVADERS SHOULD GET A FREE RIDE!! NONE! Its a total Slap in the face to those who Came here Legally! Why should your Friend get it for free? If he "NEEDS" to be legal, then tell him to do it LEGALLY! If your friend is a Illegal alien and you paid him, YOU BROKE THE LAW! Obama and the Dems want to give these people a Free ride for one reason and one reason only,,Because they VOTE ILLEGALLY FOR DEMOCRATS! Why do you think the Dems don't want Voter I.D. laws? They will lose Votes from illegals! Its another Left wing Political move period! Watch these vids that prove my point,,The last vid shows how corrupt both repubs and dems are,,its really easy to see whats going on here!

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