
Humor, Politics, etc...
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Re: Politics.

Post by davemotohead »

You will soon find out,,Obama's lies are Criminal,using the IRS to target your opposition during an election year to retain power is Criminal,Using the IRS to unfaily target anyone is Criminal,Lying to congress about actions taken that got An american ambasador and 3 others Killed is Criminal, you speak german to not be associated with ugly americans? Why that is Very American of you! :neener: Sam the link will work now,,was trying to embed it.
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Re: Politics.

Post by sam60 »

Awesome work and I love their confidence! :tu:
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Re: Politics.

Post by speedracer »

http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2013-0 ... ct-insider" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;"

Your Congressman is a criminal,regardless of party affiliation. Congress is organized crime. The 14 second vote was unanimous. They can now do what you'd go to prison for(insider trading). If you weren't so busy hating you might have noticed this.

While I might or might not agree with what you say,I agree you have a right to say it.
However, it's not what you say,but how you say it. Fake pictures,cartoons and name calling is just ignorant and childish. It defeats your own purpose;it stops people from listening to you. Those tactics offend and repel people;the only ones reading your words are those that already agree with you. Explain your point of view logically in a civil manner and maybe you'll convince somebody,otherwise you're just being self-defeating and strengthening your opposition. Anger and hatred helps no one,solves nothing.

Lastly,serving in the military or defending our freedom(often two different things) does not make anyone politically correct. Many different political points of view in the Armed Forces, that's the beauty of America.
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Re: Politics.

Post by miniman82 »

All any of this banter proves is all politicians pander to their electorate, it's the (unfortunate) nature of politics. Don't like it? Vote for people who will do what they say. Only problem with that is those candidates will never garner enough votes to actually get elected, because they polarize the rest of the voting public with their views. Specifically, I could see myself casting my vote for a Libertarian if their views on foreign policy weren't so screwy. Yeah, let's allow North Korea to do whatever they want. I'm sure that will lead to stability in the region. On the other hand, I'm against nation building because there simply isn't enough money in the world to make it work. These are choices you need to weigh as you sit in the ballot box, or preferably long before you get there. Suffice it to say, nothing will change by voting for the 2 main parties we have today. There really isn't a lot that separates them now, it's a sad state of affairs.
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Re: Politics.

Post by sam60 »

davemotohead wrote:You Started it Sam!
And I wish I didn't.
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Re: Politics.

Post by davemotohead »

Well at least most of us agree all politicians are Criminals! lol , thanks for fixing the vid Brad,Ya I am sour,,I love this country and hate the direction its going and our last couple of presidents and group of politicians all seemed to suck! So that evens the board I guess??? I did pay attention to the 14 second vote and once again our so called leaders screw us, I am not predjudice,,I dislike them all Equaly! :eek: And on another note,Even though I might be politicaly Insane,,I still hold no grudges and will Help anyone with corvair related issues,I do respect everyones comments even if I do not agree,as speedracer Knows as we started off on the wrong foot,,but we are friends now! Augie,your comments are noted and respected,Nothing personal,just politics! :partydudes:
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Re: Politics.

Post by speedracer »

The problem is the legislative branch of our government; Congre$$, they make the laws. As long as they put the good of their party above the good of our country,there's little hope. Leaders of both parties have vowed to oppose anything from the other party,even it it's something good. That's just stupid. They need to work together to make things better and they refuse to do that. They,and us,need to find common ground and stop attacking each other. Sadly,I doubt that these self-serving criminals will do that.....but we can! The two party system has worked in the past,it's the people in it now that's the problem. They think that the success of their party is more important than the success of our country. They,and us, have got to learn to work together,otherwise we're screwed. All of us. It seems that elections are not won with votes,they are bought with money(that buys the votes). Maybe the solution is a new party? Maybe the answer is "re-elect no one"? All I know is that the current political war in our congress is solving nothing and the political attacks there (and here) are just doing more damage. Unfortunately, I don't see those 'holes changing. Our only hope is to replace them and stop fighting each other. Instead of attacking each other,we need to to show those "my party first" bastards that what's good for our country is more important. We need to tell them that "united we stand,divided we fall" still holds true. Let's discuss our differences in a civilized manner (without doctored pictures,cartoons and name calling), so we can find common ground that we agree on..... and solutions. We need to show them how it's done and not act like them. And if they can't do that....replace 'em...all of them!!

And Dave...you are "the man" and my "bud"! :wave:
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Re: Politics.

Post by bbodie52 »

Term limits in the House and Senate might help, by eliminating the possibility of self-serving career politicians. Educated voters who pay attention and don't just blindly pull the lever along party lines might also force the elected officials to respond to the needs of the country, rather than the needs of the party.

I wonder how many voters would be "lost" if the "R", "D", and "I" were not printed on the ballot. They might be forced to pay attention more to who they are voting for, and what the candidates actually stand for.


Obama was elected the first time based on idealistic hopes and dreams, and manipulative lies that were fed to the voters -- convincing them that their idealistic hopes and dreams would be fulfilled... even though there was little evidence that he possessed the character and ability to follow through with his promises.

The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Barack Obama in 2009 -- soon after he took office and really before he had had the time to do anything in office, "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". Awarded by dreamers who anticipated that he would accomplish those things, and not based on what he had really accomplished. Votes like that are meaningless. Even Obama seemed puzzled when he received the award. But that appears to be how many voters in America now vote. It is puzzling how he was reelected, because the evidence and results of his first term didn't really justify his "rehiring" for a second term. But the dreamers persisted -- refusing to admit their mistake in 2008. "Just give him more time". "He would have done better except for the Republicans who got in the way". Etc, etc, etc. He is never held accountable, it seems.

I served in the Air Force for 24 years, and during that time I never felt that my country and government would ever abandon us while we served. In 1976 North Korean guards hacked two American officers to death in the Joint Security Area located in the Korean Demilitarized Zone when I was stationed in South Korea http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axe_murder_incident It was my first overseas assignment, and the entire country was on a war footing as a result. President Gerald Ford dealt with the crisis effectively. We never felt abandoned by our government. Even President Carter, a few years later, struggled very hard to deal with the hostage crisis in Iran. The hostages were never abandoned or ignored. And when I was serving in Germany, and later in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield/Desert Storm, I always felt secure in the knowledge that our government would back us. Such was not the case with the Iraqi military. I actually felt sorry for them, because their leaders and government failed to support them effectively. Some Iraqis were found literally starving on an outpost island where they had been stationed by the Iraqi government, and forgotten. In 24 years in the military I had never felt such a concern on our side... until now.

We had an ambassador and his small support staff in Benghazi, Libya. He repeatedly asked for more security support, but was ignored by incompetent bureaucrats in Washington. He and his staff were attacked on September 11, 2012 and he and three others were murdered by terrorists. There was no response from Washington. Political manipulation, cover-up, and lies continue to be the name of the game in the White House. The incompetent "Commander in Chief" and Secretary of State and their staffs did nothing to protect our people, or to defend them when they were attacked and ultimately killed. The cover-up and political manipulation continues. Even Jimmy Carter's efforts in the 1970s in trying to deal with a very bad situation in Iran look pretty good when compared to our current President and his staff. Yet many voters continue to remain ignorant of the whole thing.

I may not have always agreed with the decisions made in Washington, but I willingly served and never felt that our government and Commander in Chief would leave us twisting in the wind... until now.
Brad Bodie
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Re: Politics.

Post by sam60 »

Thank You for your Service Brad!
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Re: Politics.

Post by speedracer »

What happened in 1976 (37 years ago) has as much bearing today as what happened when you were a cub scout.
" He repeatedly asked for more security support" No, he did not ask repeatedly and he never asked the President.

" was ignored by incompetent bureaucrats in Washington" No doubt there are incompetent bureaucrats in Washington,have been for a long,long time. Was not ignored by the President.

" There was no response from Washington" Not true. You just don't like the response.

Your angry ranting on the President helps nothing,makes nothing better(and never seems to end...getting old). This is the hatred that only divides and weakens us. Stop adding to the problem,be part of the solution. He's only one man. Doesn't serve a lifetime. Don't like him,vote him out. He got re-elected. That means that the majority of people preferred him to his opponent(& don't assume that I did). Deal with it,that's democracy. You have the right to disagree with him. You certainly have the right to speak your disagreement. But please,do that without disrespecting the President of our country. If we don't show him a little respect, how can we expect other countries to? When other countries don't respect us,it weakens America. There have been other Presidents elected that I did not vote for. That doesn't make name calling and disrespect valid. Vote for the candidate you prefer and live with the results until the next election. Turn your anger into positive support for the next candidate you support. He hires hundreds,maybe thousands of people and they in turn hire hundreds,maybe thousands of other people. Sure, the buck stops with him,but be realistic about his responsibility. He doesn't make the laws that affect you daily, yet you say nothing about the self-serving criminals that do. Why? We get it.....you hate Obama and think he's to blame for everything bad that's happened in the world since 2008(or since he was born). That's your opinion and you're entitled to it....now how about suggesting some positive solutions to the problems we need to fix(that don't involve impeaching or killing the President)? How do we get Congre$$ to stop voting along party lines and actually find some common ground and make things better(like they used to)? Time to move on and work towards having better days!

Cheer up, in a couple of years you can find someone else to blame for everything!
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Re: Politics.

Post by cad-kid »

davemotohead wrote: Here is a vid of my sons air crew,,he is a rescue swimmer in the US NAVY! He is in the Pursian gulf as we speak,He jumps out of Helicopters and save's peoples lives,My daughter just got out of the army with 2 tours in Afghanistan and 1 in Korea, my son is hanging his head out of the chopper in the first part and jumping in the water and on the cable.
You have some great kids there Dave. I thank them for their service and all the other past and present service personnel. Keep up the great work :woo: :tu: :not worthy:
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Re: Politics.

Post by bbodie52 »

Obama, and his Secretary of State, and their staffs, were in charge of the offices in Benghazi. The people there were there because the Executive Branch directed them to be there. They were provided inadequate security forces to protect them in a hostile situation, and because the Executive Branch of our government did nothing, failed to anticipate the hostile threat, and did not protect our ambassador and his staff, they died. Congress is not responsible for that. The Supreme Court is not responsible for that. The Executive Branch IS RESPONSIBLE! They FAILED! They need to be held accountable!

And don't be so quick to discount lessons learned in our history, whether we learn from events in WWII, the 1960s, 1970s, or more recently. I am comparing Obama's performance in dealing with an international threat with other American Presidents who had to deal with hostile threats during their terms. And in this case, I have yet to see any evidence of competence or effectiveness on the part of the Obama administration -- the people who are in power and in charge -- serving to direct operations in the Department of State or the Department of Defense. Four Americans died because of a lack of responsible, effective action within Obama's staff. He is not entitled to our respect automatically. The office of the President deserves respect, but the man who is handed that responsibility by the voters needs to respect the country he serves. We do not serve him... he serves us, and we should expect more from him that we are getting! Criticism of him is appropriate when he fails. And if he continues to fail to lead effectively, he deserves more criticism. We are faced with a successful politician who got himself elected because he convinced the majority of voters that he could do the job. So far, he appears to be not upholding the Constitution and not able to do the job he was hired to do. Should we close our eyes to results that are poor and unacceptable? It is certainly not easy to face the facts when we find we have placed a man in power who apparently does not measure up. But we cannot simply elect a president and then forget about him, and the job he is doing, for four years. What if the result of his work does severe and grave damage to our country, its economy, and its security? Do we just "write off" the next four years of our existence and hope we can recover when he is gone? Or do we continue to try to take an active role in our government and in our country, working within the Constitutional structure to try to influence our Congress, our President, and, if necessary, work within the Judicial Branch to take court action if needed?

And how is it you feel that it is OK to call elected members of the Senate and the House of Representatives "self-serving criminals", thereby disrespecting the entire Congress of the United States (and the people who elected them), but criticism of the President and the Executive Branch of our government is somehow out of bounds and not to be tolerated, because he is the President? By that line of thinking, Barack Obama was a"self-serving criminal" when he was an elected senator from Illinois, but he suddenly became competent and honorable when he was transformed into the President and is no longer capable of mistakes, errors in judgement, or self-serving criminal action? The checks and balances designed into our form of government include a balancing influence and responsibility on the part of Congress to restrict the actions of the Executive Branch, when necessary. It is important that they do their job also. And if they do not, the entire House of Representatives and approximately one-third of the Senate is up for election in 2014. The voters again have an opportunity to influence our future by voting in 2014, and I hope that every member of Congress is fully aware of that and will act accordingly.
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Re: Politics.

Post by speedracer »

I give up. You're right. Everything that has ever happened, happens now and will happen is his fault. Nobody else, just him.

Why try to make things better when we can spend our time on blame? It's so much more productive!
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Re: Politics.

Post by bbodie52 »

:whoa: That is how it is when you are elevated to such a lofty position of responsibility. You control the actions of the people who work for you. If they fail, IT IS YOUR FAULT!. If you are a Commanding General of a military unit, all of the behavior and results of your unit's activities ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! If you are the president of a company like General Motors, Apple, General Electric, etc., the success or failure of that company is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, because you are the President and CEO of that company, and you SHOULD be held responsible! And if you are the President of the United States, you hired your Secretary of State, and if she screws up, she is your employee and you are responsible! How else should it work? :dontknow:
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Re: Politics.

Post by davemotohead »

Well If Obama and Hillary were on the same page they would become one and have all the answers! ::-): I know,,but I just could not resist! :rolling:
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Re: Politics.

Post by bbodie52 »

I believe they both attended the same dancing class. The tap dance, side step, etc. The are both fully in lock step. Really good at the throwing partner under the bus, CYA, Benghazi two-step, and tap dancing around the issue indefinitely.:rolling:

Now wasn't it Hillary who claimed that she would be fully ready to answer that ringing phone at 3:00AM to make those critical decisions in all of those political ads when she was campaigning against Obama for the nomination? Who answered the phone when our ambassador was under attack in Libya? Nobody, I guess. And nobody knows, perpetually! I think Obama was in Nevada campaigning, and Hillary broke something and was on continuous bedrest. Or something like that.
:beavisbutthead: :drinkinbuddy:
Brad Bodie
Lake Chatuge, North Carolina
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